Lori Compas turns in over 1,800 nomination signatures on 4/2!

The recall election for Senator Scott Fitzgerald (R) was certified on Friday, 3/30. Lori Compas had ten days to gather the required 400 signatures to get her name on the ballot to run against him. Amazingly, volunteers collected over 1,800 signatures this past weekend,  more than four times the required amount. On Monday afternoon Compas turned those signatures over to the Government Accountability Board and issued some challenges to Fitzgerald.

Compas said she’s been taken aback by the level of support she has received thus far. “There’s something going on here and it isn’t about one person, and it certainly isn’t about one party. It’s about the people’s desire to return to our state’s best traditions of civility, good government, and a bipartisan commitment to progress.”

She challenged Scott Fitzgerald to a series of five debates, asked him to join her in signing a clean campaign pledge, and asked him to refrain from attending out-of-state fundraisers.

“I hope Scott Fitzgerald will respond to constituent concerns and pledge along with me to run a clean campaign,”she said.

According to Darryl Teske, Compas campaign coordinator, a Fitzgerald supporter has indicated that he plans to run as a fake Democrat to force Lori Compas into a primary election (costing taxpayers more money). The primary would be May 8th, the general election takes place on June 5th.

Go, Lori, go!



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