Miscalculations In County Budget Now Total $3 Million

So under legislation passed by his new cronies in Madison, County Executive Chris Abele got a hot shot County Controller who gets to check out the budget…and of course County Executive Abele has his own budget director whose total absolutely most important responsibility is to get the budget right…but instead we get a budget proposal from the County Executive’s office that is out of whack by $3 MILLION…so other than stabbing many of his original supporters in the back over his various anti-county stances…he can’t even do the job he was elected to do!

Here’s the original article from JSOnline that I stole the headline from!

Highlights here:

Errors of about $2.1 million were acknowledged by Abele’s budget staff Tuesday, while County Comptroller Scott Manske said he was to blame for another mistake of nearly $1 million.

The $2.1 million in errors were due to miscalculations, including understating the cost of Abele’s proposal to cut paratransit fares for frail elderly and disabled riders by $1, to $3 a ride; and low-balling the cost of salaries of deputies who work as bailiffs.

(County Controller) Manske apologized for overstating a fund transfer expected from airport revenue by $920,000, a figure relied on by Abele’s staff in crafting his 2014 budget.


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