Gov. Scott Walker to travel to NYC for conservative confab

I sure hope Gov. Scott Walker can find some time to come visit Wisconsin, what with all the out-of-state travel he’s done during his first term in office.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who’s seen as one of the Republican Party’s potential 2016 candidates, will make an appearance at a New York confab of donors and activists later this month, according to an invitation obtained by POLITICO.

Walker and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who is one of the GOP establishment targets in the 2014 cycle, will both appear at the event known as the New York Meeting on Nov. 18.

Has Wisconsin ever had a governor who spent more time outside the State of Wisconsin during one term in office than Scott Walker?


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5 thoughts on “Gov. Scott Walker to travel to NYC for conservative confab

  1. Well, Zach, you don’t think Walker will be running on his record here in Wisconsin do you. The little bit of national celebrity will be the only draw that our granny hater will be able to count on. What with Democrats making electorial news and Moderate Republican Christy leading a resurgence of moderation and cooperation in the Republican canon, Walker has to go shore up his scattering baggers with his Hate Obamacare banner–that is: “Hate Both Obama and Affordable Care, son.”

    1. Of course Walker won’t run on his record, because it’s a record of failure. He’s failed to create 250,000 jobs like he promised, and he’s failed to get our state’s economy going again, as we still lag behind many of our neighbors in economic growth.

  2. As a small business owner, if one of my employees took that much time off with out permission I’d fire him or her. Wait a minute as a taxpayer he is one of my employees.

    1. The good news is when he’s gone, Alec, Koch, CoC, Heritage, the environment destroyers, and the 1% can’t get their purchased legislation signed.

  3. As a small business owner, if one of my employees took that much time off with out permission I’d fire him or her. Wait a minute as a taxpayer he is one of my employees.

    Yes, he is, Mr Swift. And I hope you will help us demonstrate that fact to other small business owners in Wisconsin, as this is a market segment that we have failed to convince time and time again.

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