UWM College Dems announce 19th Assembly district candidate forum

From my email inbox comes news of a 19th Assembly district candidate forum on May 1, 2014 at Bolton Hall on the campus of UWM. Scheduled to appear at the forum are Jonathan Brostoff, Dan Adams, and Marina Dimitrijevic

19th Assembly District Candidacy Forum

Milwaukee – Three democrat candidates for the 19th Assembly District will be participating in a candidacy forum at UW – Milwaukee on Thursday, May 1 at 6:30 p.m. in Bolton Hall room B40. The open seat was formally held by John Richards, who is now running for Attorney General this November. The three candidates that will be in attendance are Jonathon Brostoff, Marina Dimitrijevic and Dan Adams. Sara Geenen will not be in attendance due to a fundraising event.

The event will be hosted by the College Democrats of Wisconsin at UW – Milwaukee and is open to the public. There will be a chance for the audience to ask some questions. There is no attendance fee. It shouldn’t run for more than two hours.

About the College Democrats of Wisconsin:
The College Democrats of Wisconsin (CDW) and our 22 chapters in Wisconsin are the youth outreach arm of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

The College Democrats of Wisconsin (CDW) is the youth outreach arm of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, an active and respected state federation of the College Democrats of America, and the Democratic Party’s student outreach arm. We work to create an awareness of progressive causes, build student civic participation, and elect Democratic officials to local, state, and national offices.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollegeDemsWI

Website: http://www.collegedemocratswi.com


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