Rep Taylor and Rep Hintz On The Budget Hearing In Brillion

from my email:

For immediate release: For more information, contact:
March 19, 2015 Rep. Chris Taylor, 608.266.5342
Rep. Gordon Hintz, 608-266-2254

Northeast Wisconsin Strongly Opposes Walker Budget

Hundreds turn out to express concerns

MADISON – Yesterday, the Joint Committee on Finance held its first public hearing on Governor Walker’s state budget in Brillion, Wisconsin. The hearing included roughly 250 speakers from around northeastern Wisconsin, almost all of whom spoke against various aspects of Walker’s budget, including the cuts to our public education system, the gutting of long-term care programs including Family Care and IRIS, and
threats to Wisconsin’s conservation heritage.

Today, Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison) and Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh), the two Assembly Democrats on the committee, released the following statement:

“I am grateful to the many amazing Wisconsinites who shared their heartfelt testimony about how the Walker budget would negatively impact their families and communities, including individuals who identified themselves as Walker supporters or Republicans,” said Rep. Chris Taylor, ranking Assembly Democrat on the committee. “Whether it was how Walker’s budget damages family care, public education,
the UW System, the environment or SeniorCare, I’m hopeful their voices were heard loud and clear by my colleagues. If the Wisconsin citizens who were present yesterday had had a vote on the budget, it would have overwhelmingly failed.”

“I would like to thank everyone that came out to Brillion for yesterday’s public hearing,” said Rep. Hintz. “More than 250 people testified and plenty more were in attendance. Wisconsinites came from all over the state, taking off from work or taking time away from their families to share the many ways Governor Walker’s budget negatively impacts their lives. I was moved by their testimony and recognize the potential consequences of this budget on our state are very real. I am committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to improve the budget as much as possible.”


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1 thought on “Rep Taylor and Rep Hintz On The Budget Hearing In Brillion

  1. “Oh, the humanity!”

    The above was a cry uttered by a reporter at the scene and moment of a horrific loss of life at another event long ago.

    Such loss of life is the result of nature and the vulnerability of the weak, young, or innocent combined with an human ignorance, benign neglect, incompetence, or those who hold a political ideology that trumps a morality of care and concern for our fellow human beings.

    “Oh, the humanity!”

    Fast forward to 2015, Wisconsin: “…Walker’s budget damages family care, public education, the UW system, the environment, or Senior Care.”

    “Oh, the humanity!”

    Consider the legislation reaction of Fitzgerald, Voss, and the other phony pro-life supporters.

    Oh, the humanity!”

    When you have a governor who is ignorant, neglectful, or holds a political ideology that trumps his concience, I cry out,

    Oh, the humanity!

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