Help review 1,200 pages of WEDC documents!

Over at DailyKos, regular Blogging Blue reader/commenter lufthase has posted an excellent piece about the 1,200 pages of documents obtained from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) related to the unsecured $500k loan from WEDC to Building Committee Inc (BCI), as well as the contracts for the 27 awards that were handed out without any underwriting/eligibility review.

Given the sheer number of documents obtained by lufthase, help is needed to review the documents. If you’d like to help crowdsource a review of the documents, please feel free to click the links below to start reviewing, then post your findings here.

Once we’ve reviewed the documents and shared our findings, I’ll compile the findings into a more comprehensive post.


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2 thoughts on “Help review 1,200 pages of WEDC documents!

  1. WEDC or weeding? Bytes (of information) or (mosquito) bites? I’m game for the document dump!

  2. On page 14 of the fourth set of documents (“LINK #4” is the set of documents in question), there’s a clear reference to BCI official Bill Minahan trying to get Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch to pressure the WEDC into releasing funds to BCI.

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