Republicans in the state senate voted yesterday to repeal Governor Tony Evers mask mandate in spite of the fact that, as of this writing, 30 organizations statewide have registered their opposition to the GOP repeal resolution, The overwhelming majority of those organizations are medical societies and associations who understand the science of the Covid-19 pandemic and the public health protocols, like mask wearing, that can slow the spread of the virus and thereby reduce both infection and hospitalization rates, and ultimately save lives. It’s that simple.
The world that people like state senator Steve Nass ( R-WTF?) inhabits dwells not on the science of the pandemic, but rather on the pseudo- ominous specter of a Hitleresque Tony Evers grown power mad via pandemic related emergency orders and doing, what? Taking over the state? What’s he gonna do, republicans? Show up at your house with Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes and demand your guns? Do you realize how long it will take Tony and Mandela to come to every gun owners house in Wisconsin and collect your guns? Jesus Christ.
The mask mandate is about slowing the spread of a a deadly virus and saving lives. That’s the real world. It’s not about the rule of law, tyranny, constitutionalism, or freedom. That’s the unreal world. Really unreal.
The grim irony here is that while Republicans scare-monger about an imagined threat, tyranny, the actual threat, the coronavirus and it’s developing variants, spreads across Wisconsin. The real versus the unreal. And the maskholes march on. God help us all.
[Sen. Kathy Bernier, R-Lake Hallie, said she believed wearing masks is a good idea but that Evers was extending the mask mandate to make Republicans look bad.]
Believe me, the Wisconsin Senate Republicans don’t need the governor’s help to look bad right now.
[“There is no such thing as a perpetual emergency.” said Sen. Duey Stroebel, R-Cedarburg.]
But there is never a guarantee when an emergency ends either.