Apparently Mike Johnson Isn’t The Answer As GOP Reps Call It A Week and Head Home For The Weekend

Imagine that! After all of the noise and smoke around finally selecting Rep. Mike Johnson (R -LA) as Speaker of the House…and all of the praise he received…and promises that he could bring the caucus together and get things done…”House Republicans abruptly scrapped their legislative work on Thursday and left Washington with little progress toward funding the government and no plan to avert a shutdown next week.”

And all of this in the face of a possible government shutdown (which Johnson claims isn’t going to happen) in just a week’s time. And why is this happening? Because Mike Johnson isn’t the answer either…and I don’t know if anyone is.

But why is this happening? Because the GOP has a very thin margin in the House and a large enough contingent of Republicans are bent on going their own way, i.e.

“We have a lot of people that want to pass things with Republicans only,” said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., the chair of the Rules Committee and a senior member of the Appropriations Committee. “That’s one thing when there’s 240 or 250 votes. When it’s 220 and you’ve got as many individual personalities — and to be fair, different interests and different districts — that’s a risky game to play.”


On Thursday, House GOP leaders abruptly canceled a vote on a spending bill to fund the Treasury Department and other financial agencies, the latest indication of the deep divisions among Republicans over funding federal programs that have pushed Congress repeatedly to the brink of economic chaos this year.

So don’t let anyone tell you anything different…the issues currently out of control in Washington have nothing to do with Democrats…it is pure and simple dysfunction in the Republican Party. Speaker Johnson: until you can get Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert to sit down and shut up, you ain’t goin’ nowhere.


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