Salary of Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s education secretary comes from agency that fund autism, epilepsy programs

Last month I wrote about the draconian cuts to autism funding by Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner of Illinois, cuts that came on World Autism Day. On Wednesday Natasha Korecki of the Chicago Sun Times reported Gov. Rauner is also paying the $250,000 salary of Beth Purvis, his education secretary, out…

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Jacob’s Guardian – considering donating to a good cause

This is a good cause and while I recognize money is tight for many of us, I hope you’ll consider making a donation. Like a lot of Autistic children, Jacob is primarily non-verbal, and tends to wander. He was like any other happy child until the age of 20 months….

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Check out the amazing things Stephen Wiltshire can do…

This is absolutely amazing… If you’d like to learn more about Stephen Wiltshire, you can visit his website and view his galleries. They’re well worth taking a peek.

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Joe Scarborough: Aurora mass shooting suspect on autism spectrum

“You don’t want to generalize,” said MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough earlier today before saying that James Holmes, the suspected Aurora, Colo., shooter, was “on the autism scale.” “As soon as I hear about this shooting, I knew who it was. I knew it was a young, white male, probably from an…

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Bachmann, Backed by Palin, Launches War Against Women and Children

Oh, I have no problems with people attacking the Hair Candidate, but Michele Bachmann decided to attack Rick Perry during the Republican debate last night on the one issue where Perry took the right course, to require the HPV vaccine for schoolchildren.  The vaccine prevents cancer.  ‘Nuff said.  But Bachmann…

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Autism through the lens of a camera

This is worth a read…. Neighbors, friends and teachers were dropping hints — some subtle, others pointed, even cruel — that something was not right with Timothy Archibald’s first child, Elijah. The little boy seemed hypnotized for hours by certain objects: doors, mechanical gears, the vacuum cleaner hose. He mimicked…

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One salutatorian’s inspirational message

Anyone who knows me and my family knows why this brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face:

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I’ll give Sarah Palin credit

I’ll admit I’ve often been a vociferous critic of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, but I have to give her credit for her advocacy on behalf of people with developmental disabilities. During a recent trip to the New York area, Gov. Palin took time to join thousands of other individuals at…

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Walk Now for Autism Speaks

At the risk of spamming my own blog, I’m going to post about “Walk Now for Autism Speaks.” As some of you may know, my son Nicholas is autistic, and on July 11, 2009, Patti, Nicholas, Alexis and I will be walking at the State Fair Park to raise money…

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I’m participating in Walk Now for Autism – will you join me?

Dear Friends, Please join me in my fight to make a difference in the lives of the more than 1 million Americans living with autism today, including my son Nicholas. I am participating in Walk Now for Autism to help find a cure for autism. Autism is the second most…

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