So, What Has The Bobster Been Up To?

Your best friend in childhood has the formal given name of Robert. His folks called him Bob or Bobbie. Somewhere along the line he picked up the nickname, Bobster. He’s cool with it. You’re cool with it. Everyone is cool with it. So cool in fact, that (Bobster) will be…

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Sandy Hook: It’s Been 10 Years And We’ve Learned Nothing

December 14, 2012: A gunman with a semi-automatic rifle killed 20 first graders and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, then took his own life as police arrived; the 20 year old had also fatally shot his mother at their home before carrying out the attack…

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From WUWM NPR: domestic abuse & mass violence

This link leads to the story they aired about the relationship between domestic abuse and mass violence. It is part of their Lake Effect program and was aired in the wake of the Waukesha Christmas parade carnage. The program runs 51 minutes but features three different stories. The domestic abuse…

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Will Waukesha Parade Carnage Convince the Wisconsin Criminal Authorities to Take Domestic Violence More Seriously?

Milwaukee resident Darrell Brooks Jr. has been charged with five homicides and other crimes and injuries as a result of his alleged actions driving a vehicle into the participants of a holiday parade in Waukesha on November 21, 2021. Mr. Brooks was out on bail for firing a gun during…

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The Hunt For The Bamboo Ballot

Having failed to find evidence of watermarked ballots in Arizona, ( QAnoner’s believe Trump had official ballots watermarked so that fraudulent ballots, sans watermark, could be detected), republicans in Arizona are now examining ballots looking for evidence ofTbamboo fibers. Yup. Bamboo fibers. This bears repeating. REPUBLICANS IN ARIZONA ARE EXAMINING…

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COVID-19: Lessons Learned: Employer Provided Health Insurance Isn’t A Viable Model.

Most of my life I have had employer provided health insurance except for the period when I was self-employed and bought my own on the open market. But that was over 40 years ago and it was actually rather affordable. But as we watched the pandemic ravage our country and…

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If Brad Parscale Were Black, Would He Still Be Alive?

Police were called to the home of former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale. His wife reported that he had a gun and was threatening to hurt himself. Normally I wouldn’t want to comment on personal mental health issues but given the current social environment, how this all went down deserves…

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The Military Really Needs To Step Up On Sexual Assault And Mental Health.

And the Army in particular needs to have an immediate and thorough investigation at Fort Hood TX like…RIGHT NOW! Today’s news includes another sad story about a young soldier who apparently took his life after reporting a sexual assault. The body of Sgt. Elder Fernandes was apparently found hanging from…

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Schools Fail Because We Ask Them To Do Too Much

The little quotation following comes from the weekly education column in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel written by Alan Borsuk. It is about the pros and cons of re-opening schools this fall and who may succeed and who may fail…at both the school level…and the student level. The article is here…

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Septuagenarian Bullies Minor Girl

If this was a story in your town or city, there would arrests and investigations and denouncements of the activity. Some elderly old coot would be in jail or an institution for observation. And a young girl would be getting counseling for trauma and the community would rally around her….

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