Verify the Recall – case study

Yesterday, we discussed the story local reporters are turning on their own to show themselves as hero's. The various papers editors, many of whom proudly endorsed scott walker, are now “disciplining” data entry persons who signed the recall petition. I have said since the beginning, that “Verify the Recall” was…

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Controversy over proposed Brookfield, Wisconsin mosque is much ado about nothing

The Islamic Society of Milwaukee wants to build a mosque in Brookfield, Wisconsin, and some area residents are freaking out. Members of the Eagle Forum cite traffic concerns as the central reason they oppose the mosque, but it’s hard to believe that’s the case after reading comments made at their…

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The evolution of a Waukesha County liberal blogger

As a neurotic over-thinker with slightly masochistic tendencies, I like to keep myself in line by regularly questioning everything I do. So I had to ask myself why my blog posts of late have seemed…different. Luckily, I’ve received both solicited and unsolicited feedback from left and right-leaning bloggers alike about…

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Republican Echo Chamber in Action(Updated)!

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain! Mark Twain who lived in the 1800’s said this without even getting a chance to experience(lucky him) the right wing noise machine. The Republican Noise Machine turns Samuel Clemens into a prophet…

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Wisconsin women deserve better than Scott Walker

Contrary to the beliefs of the Wisconsin GOP, Wisconsinites can do everything “right” and still get crushed by life circumstances. Life is unpredictable, and even the best-laid plans can be decimated by unexpected events like divorce, job loss, or illness. Even if we pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps,…

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Is there trouble in conservative paradise?

Right-wing talk radio squawker Mark Belling apparently isn’t a big fan of at least one of Wisconsin’s “Tea Party” groups, as I came to realize during my travels through the intertubes. During his show on July 14, 2010, Belling asserted that the Rock River Patriots – one of Wisconsin’s myriad…

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Walker hosts fundraiser in Florida

On Thursday I wrote about Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Walker’s fancy $250 a head fundraiser at the Pfister Hotel, a fundraiser headlined by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, but it’s also worth noting Walker spent some time this week fundraising for his Wisconsin gubernatorial campaign in Florida. Walker ventured to…

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PAY ATTENTION……..To Those That Matter

Seems like The Doyle Announcement has caused out All The State Right Wing “Experts” to offer their explanation of why this is great for the GOP and who the Dem Guv Candidates will be….and of course who will win. We heard from The Guru of Kiel Politics, the Communications Director…

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Nostradamus he’s not!

Apparently, Mark Belling seems to think he’s a savvy political prognosticator. In an opinion piece Belling wrote at GM Today Belling predicts Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker will be a force to be reckoned with once the 2010 gubernatorial election rolls around: Walker’s fiscal responsibility message will be especially powerful…

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Chris Moews’ open letter to Milwaukee talk radio

In response to attacks against him by Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (and happily promoted by right-wing squawk radio) Democrat Chris Moews responded earlier today with this open letter to Milwaukee’s right-wing talk radio PR machine. An Open Letter to Milwaukee Talk Radio Dear Talk Radio Hosts Mark Belling, Jay…

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