John Nichols on WTDY firings: Wisconsin progressivism deserves an outlet

Once again John Nichols nails it. Sure, Sly often extended his remarks from “comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable” to flat-out condemning crony capitalists and crooked candidates. Everyone who listened to Sly took offense at one time or another. Every guest (including this writer) disagreed with him sometimes. But…

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Wisconsin cannot afford TWO Tea Party politicians in the Senate

While many of us have been laser-focused on the upcoming recall election, Senator Ron Johnson has been busy making bizarre statements. But Johnson is not the only Republican making absurd declarations. Tommy Thompson, Eric Hovde, and Mark Neumann have all been hard at work trying to out-Tea-Party one another in…

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Wanted: One Documentary Filmmaker

Lisa and I were at the Waukesha Democratic Party’s monthly meeting at the Labor Temple last night.  I usually go for the coffee and treats and the occasional tidbit I can pick up about what’s happening with the state or even national party.  The people are nice and the coffee…

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Alberta Darling: Those making over $250,000 per year “aren’t wealthy people”

Apparently Republican State Senator Alberta Darling (R-Mansion), the subject of a tough recall fight in Wisconsin’s 8th State Senate district, doesn’t think people making over $250,000 per year are wealthy. During a recent appearance on Mark Belling’s radio show, Sen. Darling made it abundantly clear she’s completely out of touch…

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Inside Baseball

I have always been curious how different things work on the inside. Many times when politicians, talk show hosts, etc… start talking about the inner workings of what they do, they usually stop and say thats “inside baseball” and no one is interested. As one who was always interested and…

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In search of the truth…

Dont look to Mark Belling. Milwaukee hate radio host Mark Belling, took a non-topic and went on a rant yesterday: “I’m going to make an accusation here, and I am very confident that I am correct in my accusation,” Belling said in the first hour of his Sept. 28, 2010…

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The Illusion of Scott Walker

With the recent news that Congressman Ron Kind is declining (postponing?) a run for Governor, The Right Wing went into celebration mode. Belling flat out stated Lawton couldn’t beat anyone, and Scott Walker’s proven vote getting ability in Milwaukee County would easily defeat even Tom Barrett should he Run. Sykes…

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Evers used state resources for campaign purposes?

Say it ain’t so! Now keep in mind, this story was broken by Mark Belling, and I have yet to see the emails Belling references (despite him breaking the story yesterday), but I am hoping they’ll be put on the intertubes soon. According to Mark Belling, an open records request…

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What a statement by Dad29!

As one commenter wrote on Dad29’s unabashed review of Mark’s Belling’s “pontificating,” Dude… I had to check the URL.  I thought I was reading Whallah for a second. So did I… So did I. But Dad29, a blogger I don’t believe I ever agreed with before, has something going for…

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The next blow-up on talk radio

It’s only a matter of time before we hear Sykes, Belling, and many other conservatives simply loose their cool over the newest hit in music – – a song about a girl wanting to kiss…a GIRL! “I Kissed A Girl,” by Katy Perry, is jumping up to #1 in the Billboard…

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