AFP’s odd new “It’s Working” ad (VIDEO)

This week the AFP debuted a new “It’s Working” ad in support of Republican Gov. Scott Walker – presumably because Gov. Walker’s having a bad week. The ad rehashes many of the same tired talking points we’ve heard time and time again in support of Gov. Walker, and I find…

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Scott Walker’s having a rough couple of days

Yesterday I noted the Wall Street Journal was reporting Gov. Scott Walker may be negotiating with John Doe prosecutors, despite all his claims to be innocent of any wrongdoing. As if that’s not bad enough news for Gov. Walker, he also took a hard shot from Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner Mary…

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AFP to hold “Decision Day Rally on Health Care” in Waukesha on 6/28

Those who do not believe that all Americans should have access to affordable health care may want to consider rallying with Americans For Prosperity (AFP) in Waukesha this Thursday, June 28th, at 6:30pm. That’s when “patriots” plan to gather at the Country Springs Inn following the Supreme Court’s anticipated ruling…

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Astroturf is Still Artificial

The Astroturf Koch Brother’s front group The German American Bund Americans for Prosperity is buying Illinois-ances lunch and dinner to come to Wisconsin to canvass for Governor Job Loss.  Is the native support for Governor Job Loss so low that he has to rely on third parties to bus “supporters” to…

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Head Start

Recently on the ridiculous Fox News show Hannity, the token Democrat on the show, had his fill of republican ignorance and dropped the “F-Bomb” on live TV. While the right wing is making the take away from this, the fact that someone who skews democratic, swore on national tv(so all…

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Paul Ryan Smackdown!

My favorite economist, Dean Baker, is out with a critique of Paul Ryan's (R- Wall St.) budget. I recommend the whole read, but here are some highlights! House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan did a great public service when he released his budget last week. By throwing a piece of…

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The Republicans are the Joke

Senator Scott Brown recently gave a speech and drew some laughs… See the republican presidential field was not being laughed with, they were being laughed at. Even their own party knows that how crazy these four stooges are. So that being said, if you want a day filled with comedy,…

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Defunding The American Dream Summit

Is coming to Milwaukee! AFP Foundation-Wisconsin is proud to announce presidential candidate Rick Santorum, Senator Ron Johnson, and Congressman Paul Ryan will speak at the Defending the American Dream Summit. We have a sneak preview of what party – goers can expect: Leading off the festivities is Senator Ron Johnson,…

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AFP, reality t.v., and Wisconsin GOP

I had an epiphany at the Americans For Prosperity Town Hall meeting here in Waukesha on Saturday morning. I realized that marketing, not facts, wins elections. In our collaborative post, Phil Scarr and I provided fancy charts and graphs to dispute many of the AFP’s factually inaccurate statements, and we…

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Libertarian Hypocrite of the Week [UPDATED]

[UPDATE: I have issued a correction and apology to Dr. Nerenz. My assertions regarding his academic bona fides were incorrect and I would like to correct the record accordingly] At the American’s for Prosperity Bund Rally in Waukesha on Saturday (full details here), the audience was subjected to the Randian…

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