Pentagon Now Says 50 Service People Injured in Iranian Attacks in Iraq…

I mean WTF? When will the lying stop? The Pentagon now says 50 American military service members suffered traumatic brain injuries following Iran’s Jan. 8 missile attack on a base in western Iraq that was housing the U.S. military personnel. Initially the Pentagon said there were no injuries in the…

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The VFW On Those Headaches in Iraq

As we have documented over the past two weeks, injuries reported from the Iran attacks on Iraq based American military installations went from none to eleven to thirty four…headaches according to the president. And like me, the VFW isn’t happy about it. KANSAS CITY, Mo. – “In light of today’s…

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About That American Contractor and What Trump Left Unsaid.

In the past month we’ve seen an incredible number of dangerous events transpire in Iraq…between the United States and Iran…originally over the death of an American contractor. But despite the president’s actions in Iraq and his pronouncements via Twitter…he left some important things unsaid: It has been almost three weeks…

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No Americans Were Hurt

On January 8, 2020, Iran launched about a dozen missiles at bases inside Iraq that housed US military personnel. At the time of the attacks, the Pentagon and the White House assured us that no Americans were killed or injured. Well it turns out that they were lying. On Thursday,…

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Why Is The US Still Using Contractors In Iraq?

The whole chain of events of the US bombing Iranian supported Iraqi militia bases, the Iraqi terrorists attacking the US Embassy compound in Baghdad, the assassination of Iranian General Qassam Soleimani, and the Iranian attacks on shared Iraqi/US bases was the result of the death of an American citizen working…

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Benghazi, Benghazi, Baghdad!

We all know the circumstances and tragedy around the riots and terrorism in Benghazi Libya and the death of the American ambassador at the American consulate there. We know from the news reports…but more clearly from the something like 10 different Congressional investigations and the 11 hours of testimony from…

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ISIS is defeated…or it’s not

In the past President Donald Trump declared that ISIS had been defeated. When he pulled US troops out of Syria, he said it was safe to do because ISIS was defeated. In his announcement today stating that ISIS leader al-Baghdadi had killed himself during a US raid on an ISIS…

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Good Morning Viet Nam! Sorry, I mean Syria.

Well we’ve gone from 50 special ops troops in Syria to a reportedly 200 more this week. I was afraid that the Paris terrorist attacks might become President Obama’s Bay of Tonkin…but he didn’t go quite that far…yet. But his response is more special ops forces in Iraq/Syria: President Obama’s…

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No Authorization for the Use of Military Force Any Time Soon

Although there is bi-partisan support for an Authorization for the Use of Military Force in Syria being floated in the US Senate…it doesn’t stand a chance in the House: In the aftermath of the massacre in Paris, a handful of persistent members of Congress are renewing their call to take…

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The Real Face of a Syrian Refugee:

This is a rather long article from the New York Times Magazine from earlier in November. It tells the story of one particular Syrian refugee and her family as they try to survive in a refugee camp in Lebanon. It is worth the read particularly as the conversation from our…

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