Scott Fitzgerald Rambles

Steve pointed out how inept republican majority leader Scott Fitzgerald is in terms of how he completely mishandled the recall against him. Now we have video of Fitz the Elder going into an incoherent rant that has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the topic at hand. 6 Martini lunch…

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Robin Vos Is (STILL) A Hingst

In case you didnt know., Robin Vos is a Hingst. Robin Vos has a history of not telling the truth and having complete disdain for the people of Wisconsin. In case there was any doubt, the events of recent days prove that Vos is still a Hingst! Thanks to persistence…

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“Ignore the Public Comments”

If you take away anything from this next story, as egregious as it is, remember that line. That should be the mantel that the democrats use to prop up their republican counterparts in the upcoming election. Now on to the story: JSonline delved into more detail regarding the republicans redistricting…

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“The Contract” by Brian

 Reprinted with permission from Badger Blue, Times Two. There is a contract you enter into with society when you become a police officer.  You sign up for the job with the full understanding that you will never be wealthy.  You accept the fact that you will work nights, weekends, and holidays….

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Whats the Penalty for Perjury?

Yesterday, testimony was released on the GOP redistricting process, and the star witness was Adam Foltz & Tad Ottman. Foltz is an aide to Assembly speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, while Ottman is an aide to Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald. No word why an aide to Steve Fitzgerald was not involved…

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Gogebic Taconite

Every once in a while there are stories that, with all of the craziness, gets overlooked. While Steve has done a great job of writing about this, I and others have not given this important issue the attention it deserves. Instead of “re-inventing the wheel” I will just point people…

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THIS is what Democracy Looks Like

This chant has been used a few times in the last year in WI, sometimes legit and sometimes a stretch. It probably has never fit more than in this case. Our friends at Dane 101 have the story: Lori Compas never planned to become a one-woman political committee. A freelance…

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Republican Thugs – Henchmen Edition

While much of the violence on the right throughout this year has been advocated from the very top with Governor Scott Walker considering adding \"agent provocateurs\" to the peaceful crowd, to Scott Fitzgerald yelling at one of Mark Miller\'s female staffers so violently she felt the need to call the…

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The Wreck of the Brothers Fitzgerald

Oh this is so full of awesome! UPDATE: This gem is from singer/songwriter Peter Leidy of Madison.

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It’s Really Not Working, Governor Walker [Updated]

Wisconsin has seen a significant increase in childhood poverty under Governor Walker and the GOP legislature. They are failing the children of Wisconsin and should be held to account for it.

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