Roe v. Wade: Where The Hell Is Nancy Pelosi?

No, she’s not completely missing in action since yesterday’s SCOTUS negation of Roe v. Wade. She has pushed out plenty of statements, tweets, and other social media posts. BUT: We have had Justice Alito’s leaked draft overturning Roe for like seven or eight weeks already. The President called for it….

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Gas On Fire Award Goes To: Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton

Without a shred of evidence, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speculated last evening that perhaps Trump was on the telephone to Vladimir Putin as the January 6th Capitol siege unfolded, resurrecting, yet again, the specter of a Russian government hell bent on destroying American democracy…

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Nancy Pelosi Makes A Deal With Her Own Devils

It was just last month that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi won the nomination for the Speaker of the House in the Democratic Caucus.  She handily won with 203 votes for and only 32 votes against. The only problem is she’ll need 218 votes on the house floor to win…

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Federal Judge Throws Out ACA, So What’s Next?

Ruling Striking Down Obamacare Moves Health Debate to Center Stage First off…you Democrats in Washington have got to stop freaking out and running all over the news acting like this is a disaster. It is serious but the Titanic isn’t sinking immediately here…it’s just taking on a little water. So…

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What would Garvey do? An open letter to Bernie Sanders

This is a guest blog by former Blogging Blue contributor Steve Carlson!!! Dear Bernie, I want to start off by telling you how heartening it was to read your remarks in John Nichols Nation magazine tribute to Ed Garvey on the occasion of Garvey’s passing in February of 2017. You…

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The Unremarkable Hypocrisy of Paul Ryan!

Four days ago, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was complaining that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi were playing politics with the federal relief response for Hurricane Harvey with their 3 month proposed budget continuation and debt ceiling hike…really Paul? Weren’t you playing politics…

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What IS Wrong With Obamacare?

So what really is wrong with Obamacare, aka, the Affordable Care Act? Well there are any number of fundamental things that could be fixed or overhauled that would make it work far better than it does today. But what is the basic affliction that keeps it from being successful? The…

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Nancy Pelosi Has Got To Go

I have no axe to grind with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. I respect her accomplishments as a member of the House, as the first woman Speaker of the House, and most recently as minority leader. But if we haven’t learned from the 2016 presidential election cycle, particularly from the…

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Congress Passes ISIS Bill and Evacuates Washington!

In probably one of the worst decisions to come out of Washington since the decision to invade Iraq under President George W Bush, the Senate piled on and passed the bill to ‘train moderate Syrian rebels to fight ISIS’ that easily passed the House yesterday. What an incredible waste of…

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Where are the Congressional Republicans

While no one knows where they are, we do know where they are NOT – Working(In Recess perhaps?)! H/T Think Progress House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and a group of Democratic lawmakers took to an empty House floor today to demonstrate that they were willing to work while Republicans…

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