Pink Slip Paulie

I just heard Ist Congressional Democratic Challenger to ryan Rob Zerban, give an interview with Sly, where he pointed out how when Paul ryan first ran for office, he ran a paycheck protection campaign. He promised he would keep people in Janesville working at GM. We all know how that…

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Congressman Paul Ryan looks like a nice young man….

….but don’t be fooled – he’s hell-bent on getting rid of Medicare as we know it, all so he can give another tax break to millionaires and billionaires. Americans United for Change has more on Rep. Ryan’s dangerous plan, and Ryan’s challenger in 2012, Rob Zerban, has set up “Hands…

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Paul Ryan is NOT listening…

Paul Ryan (R-Wall St.) had a listening session in Milton this morning. I have to give him credit for two things, 1. As bad as his message is, he does interact with the crowd(unlike Randy Hopper). 2. He stands up for the people who pay him. Despite the fact that…

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1st Congressional district

Full disclosure, I was working on a blog in January excoriating Mike Tate for the results of the last election and what he was planning for 2012. I was going to focus on the fact that I felt he has not been focusing on the 1st congressional district. After speaking…

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The Paul Ryan All Stars

Paul Ryan is battling Scott Walker for who can get in front a camera quicker. Unfortunately, while he is all over the news, the news has not been all over him. They have even called him “courageous”. Let’s take a look at a few people who have actually pointed out…

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