1st Congressional district

Full disclosure, I was working on a blog in January excoriating Mike Tate for the results of the last election and what he was planning for 2012. I was going to focus on the fact that I felt he has not been focusing on the 1st congressional district. After speaking with John Heckenlively, who ran against Ryan last year, and Marge Krupp, who was Ryan’s opponent in 2008. They both said they got no help from the national party and little help from the state party.

Then Scott Walker tried to take our rights away and everything changed. That being said, its time to stop giving Paul Ryan a free pass. We all know how bad of a representative Paul Ryan (R-Wall St) is. Since Ryan gives his handlers on Wall St. anything they want, he will always have unlimited money for his re-election campaigns. I feel the only way to beat Ryan is to run a long campaign. Since the Janesville Gazette has been an arm of the Ryan campaign, we need someone there to point out the ryan foibles. Someone to point out that ryan wants to end medicare as we know it and increase the deficit. Someone from the first district finally answered that call. Kenosha County Supervisor Rob Zerban has announced his candidacy. Here he is speaking at the 1st congressional district in Janesville:


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6 thoughts on “1st Congressional district

  1. This will be a much higher profile race this time because of everything that Congressman Ryan has been doing in Madison. But in the redistricting, everything in Madison’s power will be down to protect if not strengthen his seat.

    1. Depends on whether the gop redistricting strategy will be aggressive or protective. If they get aggressive, they’ll have no choice but to water down their currently held districts at the expense of trying to flip another (likely gunning for CD-3). Though you’re right – smart money’s on them being protective, as WI is not naturally a 5-3 R state, much less 6-2. Getting aggressive would likely backfire. Though the modern GOP prides itself on intellectual incompetence, so here’s hoping.

  2. If Republicans had any worry that Ryan’s seat were in trouble, Sensenbrenner can spare more than enough reliable votes to redistrict into CD1. I for one would not be surprised if Madison Republicans gerrymander a narrow strip of Lake Michigan coastline in order to transfer Kenosha into Gwen Moore’s district.

  3. I look forward to this race. Paul Ryan is a great and in a very safe seat. I also think the redistricting will be an attempt to capture the Kind seat in Lacrosse, Kapanke had a pretty decent showing for an area that is strangely more Left than Right. I do not think Pres O’s coattails will be as strong this year. We will get some peek when the recall election occurs in the next few months, against Kapanke. I don’t believe you will be able to flip the State Senate..despite the collection of signatures. With out Obama at the top of the ticket even Wirch could face a decent challenge. The Wirch district went 52/48 for Walker in Nov. and 48/52 for Klopp in the Justice race. That means it’s a 50/50 district right now. Bottom line the re-districting will occur in favour of the “Right”.

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