So Paul Ryan was elected Speaker – I’d rather talk about that GM plant in his hometown that just closed for good!

While the selection of Republican Congressman Paul Ryan of Janesville as Speaker of the House of Representatives is certainly newsworthy, I think there’s a story coming out of Janesville that’s not getting the exposure it deserves. That story is the announcement this week by General Motors that the Janesville production…

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Paul Ryan slams President Obama for not saving GM plant closed under George W. Bush

This is absolutely hilarious… Paul Ryan slammed President Obama on Thursday for failing to rescue an auto factory in his Wisconsin district — one that closed in 2008, under President George W. Bush. The latest attack highlights the complicated politics of the auto rescue for Ryan, who was one of…

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Illinois is an Economic Wasteland!

Except where it isn’t.

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#massive fail

Not sure who had the unmitigated gall to place this billboard at this specific location, but I would say that Governor Walker owes the city of Janesville an apology! Here is an “its working” billboard on the grounds of the shuttered GM plant in Janesville. How classy. By the way…

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Paul Ryan Loves Everyone

Paul Ryan (R-Wall St.) is giving a speech today boldly rejecting the politics of division. The congressman from Janesville, WI, likes to give his “speeches” anywhere but WI and will be giving this “colossal” speech at Heritage Foundation. Ryan (R-Ending Medicare)who is taking time off of from his very busy…

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paul ryan’s resume

H/T Roger Bybee, for his column exposing paul ryan\'s class war! While he breaks down the ridiculousness of the whole class warfare issue hat is running through the echo chamber, what he really digs into is paul ryans resume. The whole column is worth a read, but here are some…

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I, Uhhhhh, Ummmm, Have to Wash My Hair,

Paul Ryan has been trying to hide from constituents lately. In the rare occassion he finds himself amongst the rabble, before he has them arrested, he likes to tell them to schedule an appointment. Well I like to take Paul Ryan at his word so, I scheduled an appointment. After…

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1st Congressional district

Full disclosure, I was working on a blog in January excoriating Mike Tate for the results of the last election and what he was planning for 2012. I was going to focus on the fact that I felt he has not been focusing on the 1st congressional district. After speaking…

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Paul Ryan Update

Paul Ryan (R-Wall St.), Has been in the news so much its hard to keep up but I will try. First off, h/t to Lou kaye of rocknetroots who does a very good job of keeping an eye on ryan’s misdeeds(which are many). Unfortunately since the Janesville Gazette has shirked…

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The Paul Ryan Love Train…

The death of the media in America has been showcased the last few days in a Paul Ryan Love fest. In the USA TODAY an article ran about the US debt and not only led off with the paul ryan crush, but also featured a picture of him and his…

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