Republican-backed recall effort allegedly hires out of state felon to collect signatures

How desperate are Wisconsin Republicans getting in their attempts to recall the Democratic State Senators who are eligible to be recalled? So desperate they’ve allegedly hired convicted felons to do canvassing to collect signatures: s Democrats around the State canvass areas to gain enough signatures to recall the remaining 6…

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Kathy Nickolaus’ human error

Found on Facebook…

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Remember when Planned Parenthood & NPR crashed the market?

One of the top ten tweets I’ve seen this year:

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Who needs a Dr. when there is a Walgreen’s nearby

Taking a page from Ron Johnson, Fox and Friends recently were touting the wonders of Walgreen’s healthcare. Of course it is so ridiculous that Colbert could not even make fun of their stupidity with a straight face. (It is nice we elected a senator who is the intellectual peer of…

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Randy Hopper has a challenge…

Outgoing Republican State Senator Randy Hopper has been covered extensively here, and now he has a new challenge. He is not only faced with a recall election, and the weight of Scott Walker on his shoulders, but now he has a legitimate challenger in Oshkosh Deputy Mayor Jessica King, who…

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Open for short term business

In today\'s JSOnline, Chandler McKelvey, former secretary of development serving under Gov. Lee Dreyfus, lays into the ridiculousness of the Walker Administration and their claims of “open for business”. In the column, Mr. McKelvey decries the Governor’s “short-term” thinking and points out how detrimental that is to the long-term future…

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Are voting irregularities common in Walkersha?

I’m not sure what to make of this, but I figured it would prompt a good discussion…. So, in November of 2004 there were 236K registered voters. In the Spring General Election of 2004 the election results showed the registered voter roll at 233,415. (source) So the county picked up…

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Republicans shut out working families in budget debate

Yesterday Republican State Rep. Robin Vos and Republican State Senator Alberta Darling, the co-Chairs of the Joint Finance Committee (JFC), refused to allow citizens arriving at the JFC’s public hearing in West Allis after 12:00 p.m. to testify on the 2011-2013 biennial budget proposed by Gov. Scott Walker. In addition…

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Coming next week….Drinking Liberally!

As the third Monday of the month approaches, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the April meeting for Drinking Liberally. This month we’ll be joined at Drinking Liberally by County Supervisor Marina Dimitrijevic and County Supervisor-elect Jason Haas, so be sure to join us! Here are the specifics: Greetings…

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Recall signature gatherer physically attacked at polling place

On April 5 a recall petition circulator was allegedly attacked and their petitions were shredded at an undisclosed polling place during the spring election. Speaking about the alleged attack, Government Accountability Board (GAB) executive director Kevin Kennedy issued a brief statement: “One incident that was brought to our attention involved…

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