David VanderLeest whines about lack of GOP support

Shortly after his electoral ass-kicking last night, Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest issued a statement blaming his loss in part on a lack of support from the Republican Party of Wisconsin, saying, “I think the support could have been much greater, given that we were the first one out…

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Today’s David VanderLeest tidbit

We here at Blogging Blue have worked hard to outline the sordid details of Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest’s domestic violence issues, allegations of child abuse, property tax issues, and general issues with the English language, and while David VanderLeest’s campaign against Democratic State Senator Dave Hansen may be…

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David VanderLeest wins the “Press Release of the year” award

Once again Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest, who’s running against Democratic State Senator Dave Hansen in a recall election, has made Republicans across Wisconsin proud via this gem of a press release: Once again I have been a victim of theft. Last night my car was broken into, window…

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Does David VanderLeest receive public assistance?

The saga of Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest just keeps going, with new allegations VanderLeest is receiving public assistance in the form of food stamps. [A]ccording to information provided by a credible but confidential informant. Vanderleest is, as he himself terms it at the “public trough”. The interesting note…

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David VanderLeest brings the crazy (VIDEO)

From the fine folks at PolitiScoop comes an exclusive interview with Republican State Senate candidate David “domestic violence” VanderLeest, the lone Republican to challenge incumbent Democratic State Senator Dave Hansen. Here’s Part 1 of the interview: And here’s Part 2: You can read more about the David VanderLeest crazy train…

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David Vanderleest responds

There have been numerous reports explaining who David Vanderleest is. The “tea party” candidate who is challenging Senator Dave Hansen in the recall election. The multiply arrested Vanderleest has had enough of people talking about his criminal record he decided to answer the charges on Wispolitics.com. Here it is in…

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David VanderLeest proves birds of a feather flock together!

Last month I noted the rather extensive history of criminal convictions of David VanderLeest, a Republican who not only led the recall effort against Democratic State Sen. Dave Hansen but who has also indicated he’ll run as a candidate against Hansen in a recall election. While VanderLeest has attempted to…

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VIDEO: David VanderLeest’s victory party

Here’s some video from the victory party of Republican State Senate David VanderLeest on Tuesday evening:

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Is David VanderLeest’s state senate campaign really just some sort of sick joke?

Once again the fine folks at PolitiScoop have gotten a scoop on Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest, this time thanks to an anonymous tipster who provided PolitiScoop with copies of the reports relating to the child abuse allegations against VanderLeest out of Oconto County. According to those reports, VanderLeest…

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The new ad running against David VanderLeest

Here’s a new ad being run against Republican State Senate candidate David VanderLeest highlighting his extensive history with the court system, including convictions for domestic abuse against his ex-wife.

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