Parks & Transit Listening Session scheduled for 07/08/09

State Representatives Chris Sinicki and Jon Richards, along with State Senator Jeff Plale, will host a public forum to discuss regional parks and transit funding.

The listening session will be held on Wednesday, July 8th from 6:00-8:00 PM at the South Shore Park pavilion, located at 2900 South Shore Drive.

Come join these three lawmakers to discuss parks and transit funding, an issue I know a lot of folks here in Milwaukee County are concerned about.


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3 thoughts on “Parks & Transit Listening Session scheduled for 07/08/09

  1. Heh, it might be worth the trip. Richards is the one that sold out the parks half of the referendum, which probably killed the whole thing.

  2. I think it was that it didn’t exactly match Doyle’s prescribed idea of the RTA. And that it would have made Scott Walker’s life easier.

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