Stark Contrast

After the discussion this week, about the TN fire department allowing a house to burn down for $75 it was nice to see some good news today!

In this story from the Wisconsin State Journal, we see that people still do help their neighbors.

Vic Jeschke never got a chance to see what he sowed, and it was more than the 600 acres of corn and soybeans he planted last spring.

Over the years, Jeschke cultivated something else that grew to its peak this fall: friendship, which filled his fields on Thursday, as bountiful and beautiful as any crop a farmer could dream of having.

Jeschke, 51, died in his sleep of a heart ailment on Sept. 30 in the home he shared with his parents. Nearly 200 people gathered Thursday to help harvest Jeschke’s crops and take the worry away for his parents, Helmut and Ruth, and his sister, Diane England.

“The farmers who are here pulled out of their fields to pull into the Jeschkes’ fields,” said Roland Arndt, an organizer of the one-day harvest. “That’s what neighbors are supposed to do, support each other.”

It was a complicated operation; Vic Jeschke farmed 30 fields between Oregon and Brooklyn.

Twenty combines went to work in the fields, along with 20 tractors with grain carts, 26 semitrailers and four other trucks. They came from Brooklyn, Oregon, Evansville, Belleville and Stoughton.

Work that would take a month or more was condensed into one day. For Vic Jeschke’s friends, there was never any question about how it would get done.

Kudos to the Wisconsin Farmers that helped out their friend and did not put money in front of human kindness!!!


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6 thoughts on “Stark Contrast

  1. It’s depressing in the extreme to see that while The Right calls themselves “conservatives” which implies a high value on Protecting and Preserving one’s culture and fellow “man”, they are happily devoid of any of the qualities that have been the bedrock of civilization. I will say it openly – They are Gleefully Barbarian, as self-driven as any Taliban.

    Health Insurance was started by groups of people wanting to pool money, so that resources would go to the weak, the needy, in a way that was incremental and did not harm the overall economic stability of each household.
    IT WAS A DELIBERATE REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH FOR THE GROUPS’ BENEFIT. That was the whole damn POINT of insurance. But someone saw an opportunity to distort that intent, to make the group over in ways that benefit the FEW who administered that collective money. These people are to be congratulated in the Inverse Universe of today’s conservatism, They have shown sociopathic disregard foe the very society that supports them. What Gods among men.

    The function of Health Insurance has been co-opted and corrupted so that the ILL are made to feel Guilty, and the new group goal is to funnel money to the Overseer’s pockets.
    The ILL are no longer the intended beneficiaries of this group. The group has been hijacked by profiteers, Pirated away from the founders- the origial intenet destroyed. We no longer even expect these groups to behave in the intended manner, we have been so re-conditioned by the propaganda.

    The current conservative culture as openly destructive in it’s intent and values as the most violent among the 1960s hippie movement. In fact the leaders of this phenom are of the same generation. The most narcissistic and clueless generation of any time or place, barring the decadence of the Roman Empire at the end. Instead of throwing bombs and wrecking storefronts they use propaganda and systematic distortion of the Intent of the law.They delight in shredding all forms of civilized behavior,
    advocating lawlessness, EXCEPT for those laws with benefit me directly. And that benefit had better be immediate, concern for the future is for The Weak.
    “I wish to choose my involvement in Society A La Carte Please”
    Destructive, Narcissist.

    1. I usually try to avoid replying to your comments. It’s clear there’s nothing productive that could come of it since things like calling everyone on the right “Gleefully Barbarian” are not something reasonable people can debate. The inflammatory rhetoric makes it clear there’s no middle ground for you.

      But for the sake of any one else reading, an accurate history might be of value.


      A distribution of wealth is not remotely the point of insurance. The purpose of of insurance is distribution of risk. A group of people pool their money together – via collection of relatively small payments in order to get protection in the event an unlikely but very expensive event happens. This actually works pretty well in home, auto and life insurance. And we have highly competitive markets for them, which means you can shop around including online to find coverage that fits you and a relatively reasonable price. One of the places where health insurance breaks down, is that it completely conflates very different elements into one. Risk analysis can deal very well with premiums for coverage for major events: car accidents, cancer, heart attacks, etc. But our health “insurance” now includes coverage for the cost of routine checkups, a common cold, birth control pills, a sprained ankle, etc. On top of that, the drastically increasing costs. For the most part, they are a separate issue entirely from the actual insurance aspect – and yet because costs have been increasing so drastically, they make it very difficult for the actuaries to calculate what the costs will be in the future.

      It’s worth noting, it’s difficult to find anything in the “Affordable Care Act” that will legitimately address the cost issue…you know actually make care affordable.

        1. That lack of differentiation is a major pet peeve of mine and very, very widely done. Probably more than 95% of the mainstream media coverage on the issue uses them interchangeably.

          The fact of the matter is, if you don’t understand the difference between health care and health insurance, you sure as hell have no chance of actually addressing the problems.

  2. And please note the government was not involved at all in the example above.

  3. What we gt was minor health insurance reform, what we needed was major health care reform!

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