When Will The Department of Justice Arrest John Boehner?

I won’t mind if my lawyer friends weigh in on this…but it seems to me that if I aid and abet someone in the commission of a crime…that I am asking for some legal trouble of my own. But does the same apply if I simply ‘encourage’ someone to break the law? Well here’s why I am asking.

Today’s New York Times published an article outlining the opposing forces and their attempts to affect the outcome of the Affordable Care Act. The pro-ACA side has ad campaigns to encourage the uninsured to enroll in health insurance via the state exchanges…this side is the federal government and Democrats and oh…insurance companies….and the other side has ad campaigns to encourage the uninsured to NOT enroll…that would be Republicans, Tea Partiests, and their fellow travelers…

The Republican National Committee has begun what it calls a monthlong awareness campaign, with a television booking operation to make sure that pundits opposed to the law are always available to counter its boosters. The committee’s effort has already booked local and national politicians on radio programs…

A Republican committee Web site counts down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until what it calls the “Obamacare Train Wreck.”

Other conservative groups are broadcasting television advertisements that urge people not to sign up for coverage under the health care law. (emphasis mine)

Hmmmm: Other conservative groups are broadcasting television advertisements that urge people not to sign up for coverage under the health care law.

Since there is a legal mandate for everyone to have health insurance or pay a fine…isn’t encouraging them to break the law by not enrolling…essentially aiding and abetting???

When will the arrests begin?

PS: Yes, using the Speaker of the House John Boehner in the headline was hyperbole…

PS II: This is one more proof that the Republicans are afraid of the ACA…it ain’t gonna be a train wreck.


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1 thought on “When Will The Department of Justice Arrest John Boehner?

  1. Hon. Rep. Chris Van Hollen of MD has created a YouTube video about H. Res 368 that gives Boehner exclusive power to bring a vote to the house floor. THIS IS TREASON! Boehner should be arrested immediately. The White House phone is non-stop busy, emails and faxes not going through. The Speaker of the House is creating a Coup d’ etat by robbing the House of Representatives the ability to bring a vote to the House Floor. This is SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT IN ACTION!!! He needs to be immediately arrested!!!

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