Love letters from notalib…

I found this love letter in my email inbox, courtesy of our good friend Notalib:

So you finally banned me, it is sad that progressives are such cowards, hate free speech and have no disregard for America. Well good luck in turning my country into the socialistic pisshole you progressives want, it’s never going to happen as there are too many people in this country who know and understand how mentally ill liberalism really is. America will survive people like you who have no respect for it.


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32 thoughts on “Love letters from notalib…

  1. @ Notalib

    I ran across a little gem of conservative analysis posted by Notalib on June 19th, one which captured the very essence of the kind of “contribution” that he historically made around here:

    “Jan you are just a typical dumbocrap. Diarrhea of the mouth and nothing to say. Go back to Kentucky I am sure there must be a second cousin of yours who has 3rd grade education who would love to have your babies.”

    I asked Zach to take a look at it, and maybe reconsider his continuing patience with you.

    Notalib, you can try to blame progressive “cowardice” and the “mental illness” of liberalism all you want for your having been banned, but the reality is that it was the kind of juvenile and uncivil comments that you posted over time, like the one appearing above, that caused Zach, who had exercised extraordinary patience with you, and who had given you any number of second chances to elevate your comments to an appropriate level, to ban you.

    Whether it was the above comment that constituted the “tipping point” or something else that caused Zach to ban you, the one sure thing here is that you gave Zach every reason to say “hasta la vista” to you.

    The thing that you never seemed to get is this. Your childish, insulting style served to damage the conservative “brand” around here, and, I suspect, wherever you have posted comments.

    And it got you banned from Blogging Blue.

    A mature adult would get the message. Have you gotten the message yet?

      1. Bravo! LLFN should become a regular feature, as I don’t picture him(?) the type to stop stalking anytime soon.

        1. I’m sure he’ll continue to email me, and perhaps he’ll write something worth posting for us all to have a chuckle about.

        2. Yeah, like the weekly post, “Saturday Hate Mail-A-Palooza”, that Markos does over at Daily Kos.

          It’s a hoot, and more than a little enlightening.

          Because Bill O’Reilly constantly rails against the liberal “haters” at Daily Kos, I started regularly sending him a copy of “Saturday Hate Mail-A-Palooza” to give him some much needed perspective. Astonishingly, I have yet to hear back from him about that.

          Anyway, I liked the title that Zach came up with, “Love Letters From Notalib”. Another idea for a title that occurred to me as I was writing was, “How Can We Miss You If You Won’t Go Away”.

      1. “It’s just you and me against me. Could be Notalib’s ballad.”

        (*laughing*) Yep.

        “PPS – Welcome back ZB!”

        Thanks, JCG.

  2. “America will survive people like you who have no respect for it.”

    Irony isn’t that basement-dweller’s strong suit, is it?

  3. This headline caught my eye on the LeftyBlog roll. While I would be dang pissed-off if you posted an email I wrote privately in this case I’ll say wtf the guy deserves that and much more. And I’ll now let you know
    I stopped reading and participating here because of Notalib. Specifically.
    Your tolerance of his abuse was to me intolerable. I wasn’t about to tell a guy how to run his blog, I just left. Who needs that crap?
    Now, you (or others) may wish to seduce Notalib back to keep yours truly at bay, but I’m just sayin’
    That situation was waaay over the top. His presence here made about as much sense as a Klansman sitting in on early NAACP meetings.

  4. I never responded to the inane prattle and childish writings of notalib because his comments were so worthless and unproductive. But then again, aren’t all comments by repugs worthless and unproductive…..? Thanks for banning this guy.

    1. Not true. He still his pathological “love affair” with Zach’s e-mailbox to sustain him. (*shudder*)

      God Speed, Notalib. We tried our level best to help.

      1. CORRECTION – He still HAS his pathological “love affair” with Zach’s mailbox to sustain him. (*shudder*)

    1. How about Jeb Bush, Steve?

      I mean, aren’t you A LITTLE annoyed with him about the fact that he hasn’t JUMPED into the Republican clown car of potential nominees yet, hmmmm? (*wink*)

  5. I just caught the following as I was re-reading Notalib’s little ditty:

    “. . .[P]rogressives. . .have no [DIS]regard for America.”

    [*laughing*] Well, Notalib’s “love affair” with grammar, syntax and cogent thought always was a source of great amusement, wasn’t it?

    ORRRRRRR, maybe he did actually learn something from all of us over time, huh? (*wink*)

    Thanks, Nota. . .For being you. . .

  6. You did the correct thing by banning him. I did the same over a year ago. He had made a threat against the United Nations that I could not abide. He uses the most vile racist and anti-gay language. If newspapers have rules for printing letters I think blogs should too for comments. You will note that some deranged writing will appear under a different name…keep the ISP in mind….you will see the trend. I just delete him and smile.

    You can stand proud for taking off a red-meat snarler that only wants attention, and wishes never to light the way.


  7. I should mention that Isthmus banned him years ago. Not sure if he was notalib then or someone other easy to forget name. Seems for someone who lives in Green Bay and hates Madison and liberals that Mark Phillips just can’t get enough of us.

  8. Just to add one more thing…and this is perhaps the perfect way to know I own space in part of his is lonely here..his blog is called ‘notalib caffeinated politics’….he could not even come up with an original idea. Once he was thrown off my blog he thought he could make numbers I guess by hijacking my blog’s name. So many things to smile over….can ‘notalib blogging’ blue be far away?

    1. He’s actually tagged every post of his since I banned him with “Blogging Blue,” so he’s clearly still thinking about us.

      1. I honestly can’t really dislike him. I pity him because he’s full of such hatred, irrationality, and fear with his reality literally twisted because of his political beliefs – that’s probably taking a toll on him just for the sheer stress it’s doing on him.

        It’s kind of like when he was saying there were cars in the way when he was texting down a busy street while driving so he wasn’t able to check things — perhaps the problem isn’t the cars but the fact you’re texting while driving. It reminds me of how he seemed to claim personal responsibility a lot for other people, when blame came onto him, he tried to spread it else where. Example: the other cars.

        Either way, as far as I’m concerned? I’m probably going to stop thinking about him. I honestly don’t remember people who I dislike, I just remove them completely – I think that’s the ultimate insult to them. It takes a lot of weight off your shoulders, when you simply don’t give a damn about people like that. If he’s brought up on this blog, I’ll probably skim past it.

        I think with him out of the picture, we can go back to civil conversation between politics since I noticed he was the one specifically who made a ton of these sensible conservatives look bad. While I disagree with them and their theories, I do think they are good people who if I met them in a restaurant or a bar we’d probably get along, open the door, or at least wave to each other.

        1. “I’m probably going to stop thinking about him.”

          About WHO? (*wink*)

          Anyway, T, you’re absolutely right about the damage to the conservative brand that, uh, whatshisname, did here, and continues to do elsewhere, I’m sure.

          Conservatives/wingnuts/Republicans, in general, aren’t bad people. Just misguided. Whatshisname, clueless to the end, truly never realized that his “cause” suffered EVERY time he opened his “mouth”.

          1. I wouldn’t even say misguided, there are genuine people who understand and get the conservative movement. Locke, SuperId, forgotmyscreenname are examples and they bring up sensible arguments and bring up genuine issues even if I ultimately disagree with them much of the time. Just like there are many liberals who don’t understand what being liberal is. Now if only the politicians understood it. 😛

            1. Yeah, T, you’re right about Locke, SuperId and forgotmyscreenname . While “generally wrong” in the conclusions at which they arrive, and in the positions that they take, they are also intelligent and articulate people.

              Maybe “misguided” was the wrong word.

  9. Picture one of the comments that Notalib was famous for posting around here, like, oh, say, THIS one from June 19th:

    “Jan [sic] you are a typical dumbocrap [sic]. Diarrhea of the mouth and nothing to say [sic]. Go back to Kentucky [sic] I am sure there must be a second cousin of yours who has a 3rd grade education and would love to have your babies.”

    (Jeez, sounds like a pretty apt self-description if you ask me.]

    Well, guess what? He has a whole blog full of similar crap.

    Anyway, Notalib posted a petty, self-serving Notalibesque blog post about Blogging Blue, about Zach and various people who post comments at Blogging Blue, like T and Steve Carlson, and about getting banned. Zach posted a responsive comment there wherein he pointed out one specific and glaring factual error. In typical Notalib fashion, Notalib ran with that as only he could, saying that because Zach had only corrected him on one thing that he MUST be conceding the balance of bullshit that Notalib had included in the post, closing with a typical, and clearly over-compensating, “Thanks for the chuckle”.

    I posted the following comment this morning after finding the blog post and comment thread under it [not too long after I did that, Notalib deleted all comments, including his own, and changed the blog post, this time around conveniently leaving out some things, like his blatant lie about where Zach lives]:


    There is a principle in the law which holds that if and when a person falsely testifies regarding one thing, a reasonable inference exists that he or she has falsely represented everything to which they have testified.

    At Blogging Blue, you were famous for ignoring facts, for twisting facts, for blatantly making up facts, and for insulting the people whom you saw as your political opponents in the most vile and infantile ways along the way.

    You post a demonstrable lie on your blog about Zach’s living arrangements for the obvious purpose of belittling him, then try to laugh off his pointing that lie out because he wasn’t inclined to deconstruct the rest of the bullshit in your post.

    Having exhaustively deconstructed the bullshit in your comment posts at Blogging Blue on a regular basis, I know how exhausting and pointless that can be. I don’t blame Zach for pointing out what he did, and then moving on.

    In any event, your laughing off his pointing out only one piece of bullshit in your post ignores the inference available to the four or five people who may have actually read the post that, if you were willing to lie about where Zach lives, then the rest of what you wrote was probably bullshit, too. It was also classic Notalib. Only you could believe the conclusion to which you came based upon the fact that Zach logged on here only long enough to say that you had misrepresented where he lived.

    Your post here, the one to which Zach responded, was exemplary of your comment posting style at Blogging Blue. The only difference was its location, and the level of intelligent and objective scrutiny it would undoubtedly [not] receive here.

    Zach, the managing editor at Blogging Blue, gave you opportunity after opportunity to post more appropriate comments there. You simply ignored his generosity in this regard.

    After running across “a little gem of conservative analysis” that you posted on June 19th, one which captured the very essence of the kind of “contribution” that you historically made around Blogging Blue, I asked Zach to take a look at it, and maybe reconsider his continuing patience with you.

    This is that “gem”:

    “Jan you are just a typical dumbocrap. Diarrhea of the mouth and nothing to say. Go back to Kentucky I am sure there must be a second cousin of yours who has 3rd grade education who would love to have your babies.”

    Notalib, you can try to blame progressive “cowardice” and the “mental illness” of liberalism all you want for your having been banned from Blogging Blue, but the reality is that it was the kind of juvenile and uncivil comments that you posted over time, like the one appearing above, that caused Zach, who had exercised extraordinary patience with you, and who had given you any number of second chances to elevate your comments to an appropriate level, to ban you.

    Whether it was the above comment that constituted the “tipping point” or something else that caused Zach to ban you, the one sure thing here is that you gave Zach every reason to say “hasta la vista, baby” to you.

    The thing that you never seemed to get is this. Your childish, insulting style served to damage the conservative “brand” around here, and, I suspect, wherever you have posted comments, your blog included.

    And it got you banned from Blogging Blue.

    A mature adult would have gotten the message. Given what I’ve read here, it is apparent to me that you still haven’t gotten it.

    God Speed, Notalib. You’re still an uniformed, infantile, fact, logic and grammar-challenged, rightwing partisan hack. Truth is, you really only hurt yourself, my misguided wingnut brother, by conducting yourself in the manner that you do.”

    1. Good for Zack pointing out the horse rot in what notalib has written about bloggers in this area of the state. I think it interesting notalib deleted the comments. He had stated I live in an old run down house. The old part is correct as it is a Victorian built in 1892, but the rest is pure bs in the way that we all have come to know notalib to be.

      I too, years back, tried to get notalib to be more responsible with his comments. I actually wrote to him and he agreed to be more responsible. That lasted a couple of weeks, and then the wheels came off his bumper car. More to the pont I think be needs a medical drug adherence plan.

      Now to something really funny…I hope this link works….notalib holding a package of Depends… comes from one of his children’s FB pages..I have this one saved in my files in case it does not work here.!/photo.php?fbid=1811554294830&set=a.1403971825523.2054336.1419187621&type=1&theater

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