But where are the jobs, Gov. Walker?

We’re now six months into Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s first (and hopefully only) term in office, and despite Gov. Walker’s campaign promise to create 250,000 jobs in Wisconsin, June saw a rise in the unemployment rate from 7.4% in May to 7.6% in June.

So where are all those jobs?


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24 thoughts on “But where are the jobs, Gov. Walker?

  1. Check this out from the McIver Institute. . . completely ignoring facts all the way.

    1. And yet Wisconsin’s unemployment rate rose from 7.4% in May to 7.6% in June.

      By the way, if I were Scott Walker, I wouldn’t be too proud about creating thousands of low paying service jobs, which is exactly the kinds of jobs that were created.

      1. Zach,

        The rate is of ill-importance, as any economist. The reality of any job recovery, be it nationally or in a state is that the jobless rate will actually go up first even as jobs are being created.

        It’s a little thing called “Discouraged Workers,” which the government actually stops counting because they have stopped searching for work. If jobs suddenly start to be generated, they get “encouraged” they get counted again — so the rate goes up.

        Jim Geraghty does a great way of visualizing this via his small sons’ toys.


        1. “It’s a little thing called “Discouraged Workers,” which the government actually stops counting because they have stopped searching for work. If jobs suddenly start to be generated, they get “encouraged” they get counted again — so the rate goes up.”

          One problem with that theory, Kevy. The survey that tracks the unemployment rate said the labor force DROPPED BY 6,000 (your discouraged workers), the “employed” dropped by 12,500 and the “unemployed” went up by 6500. Try again, kiddo.

    2. Wis. accounts for half of net new jobs in U.S. in June

      Minnesota claims the other 50%. And Massachusetts claims yet another 57%!

      We’re either approaching a jobs bubble here, or Scott Walker’s talking out of his arse again.

              1. Not that I blame you guys for jumping on this – because it sure seems strange, like there’s something funny going on.

                What’s interesting is that as bizarre as it seems, it appears to be one of those places where the math is counter-intuitive.

                I haven’t looked through all the states (just the ones highlighted for making significant changes for June) but when you’re dealing with an aggregate, net number it can defy the logic. The reason is that there are a ton of negative numbers added in that drop the overall national net numbers. For example, Missouri lost 15,700, Virginia lost just under 15,000 and Tennessee lost almost 17,000 in June. According to the BLS, only 8 states saw a decrease in unemployment numbers – and while that number isn’t particularly useful on month-to-month numbers, it gives the general indication that there were more negative states than positive ones.

                When an average is generated that includes many negative numbers, this is what happens.

                If I were to pretend to be Politifact, I’d call it something like “Factually true, but misleading,” to frame the statistics this way.

    1. Awesome, Jake. If only we could get you on WPR tomorrow instead of Dave Friggin’ Blaska.

  2. The “jobs” Walker was referring to were all the positions he’s filled with highly-paid hacks in his administration.

    1. This troll creature is sad and pathetic, and shows obvious signs of low self-esteem. He even types his own name in lower case. And he’s a racist—further evidence of low self-esteem.

    2. Ray Ray froth at mouth

      Ray Ray stomp foot.

      Ray Ray scream primal scream of Neanderthal.



      Ray Ray need diaper change

  3. blue fisted haters just can’t stay on topic. jan to be a racist one has to be full of hate like you and your batshit crazy friend zuma

    1. Hilarious!
      I love it when rethugs scream hate while condemning hate.
      Poor lower-case ray.

    2. Whewwwww. . .DAMN!

      Hmmmmm. Still need that diaper change, I see, Ray Ray.

      Well, big guy, NO wonder you’re acting up.

  4. This site is operated by Right Wing trolls. Don’t fall for this crap, don’t even post. Recall a Republican! or two! or three!…or Seven! 2012 recall Snot Walker the Koch engulfer.

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