Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Sucks!

High School Senior Emma Sullivan mean \'tweeted\' Kansas Governor Sam Brownback.

Emma Sullivan, a senior at Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, was in Topeka on Monday as part of Kansas Youth in Government, a program for students interested in politics and government.

During the session, in which Brownback addressed the group, Sullivan posted on her personal Twitter page:

“Just made mean comments at gov brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot”

Since Kansas has no other problems in today’s economy, Brownback’s staff spend their time scouring the internet and twitter feeds for mentions of their boss. They came across this tweet and immediately reported her to her principal(Mac Iver Institute would be proud) Since no one criticizes the great Brownback, they demanded an apology from this evil high school student.

Sullivan said the principal ordered her to write letters of apology to Brownback, the school’s Youth in Government sponsor, the district’s social studies coordinator and others.

Karl Krawitz, the school principal, did not return calls or e-mails Wednesday.

Brownback spokeswoman Sherriene Jones-Sontag said her office had forwarded a copy of Sullivan’s tweet to organizers of the school-sponsored event “so that they were aware what their students were saying in regards to the governor’s appearance.

“We monitor social media so we can see what Kansans are thinking and saying about the governor and his policies,” Jones-Sontag said.

“We just felt it was appropriate for the organizers to be aware … because of what was said in the tweet.”

In case you want to help out Governor Brownback and tell him what you think of his “small government” policies and paranoia, feel free to send him a tweet @govsambrownback


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8 thoughts on “Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Sucks!

  1. Sam Brownback does suck as govenor of Kansas! His policies are not those of the people of the state. When his office is contacted to ask that he consider standing up for the people of the state, the responses are basically we will do as we please and we don’t care about your opinion but thank you for your comment. I long for the days of Kathleen S. She was a govenor with a heart. Sam Brownback is just an idiot in my opion.

  2. Yet another example of a “small government” conservative making sure government intrudes as much as possible into the lives of those who dare to disagree with them.

  3. Funny that a student who identifies herself as liberal was the one to use a homosexual slur to try to insult someone.

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