Scott Walker should fire Brett Davis and Cullen Werwie

Yesterday news broke that charges have been filed in Milwaukee County against Darlene Wink and Kelly Rindfleish after both women were found to have engaged in significant political and campaign-related activity on County time.

In the case of Rindfleisch, it has been revealed that during the course of her duties as Deputy Chief of Staff in then-Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker’s office, she sent some 300 emails to Republican Lt. Governor candidate Brett Davis during her working hours at the county, most related to fundraising. Rindfleisch is also alleged to have sent or received some 1,380 emails related fundraising activities during working hours. At the time, Rindfleisch was doing consulting work for Davis’ Lt. Governor campaign. What’s more, according to the criminal complaint filed against Rindfleisch, current Walker administration spokesperson Cullen Werwie, who was running Davis’ campaign, was in the loop and exchanged many of those emails with Rindfleisch.

Thanks to his immunity deal as part of the ongoing Milwaukee County John Doe investigation, Werwie can’t be charged with any crimes, but if Scott Walker truly cared about clean government (as he said he did many times during his gubernatorial campaign), then he should fire both Cullen Werwie and Brett Davis immediately. Both men must have known that Kelly Rindfleisch was employed in Walker’s County Executive office at the time they were exchanged hundreds of emails with her, and therefore it must have occurred to them that her campaign-related activities for Davis were at best improper and at worst, illegal.

As I write this, Cullen Werwie is still drawing a taxpayer-funded salary as Walker’s spokeperson, while Brett Davis landed on his feet after his losing Lt. Governor campaign, having been appointed by Scott Walker as the state’s Medicaid director. Both men should be sent packing immediately, if Scott Walker had any interest in clean and transparent government, because it’s clear neither Cullen Werwie or Brett Davis have any interest in clean and transparent government.

H/T to xoff over at Uppity Wisconsin.


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6 thoughts on “Scott Walker should fire Brett Davis and Cullen Werwie

  1. sorry i’ve checked with the fatboys, Fred @real debate and kevin the lamenter…..the rersponse …nothing to see here…move along quickly
    is what they’re saying!!

    weird cause kev is always dropping caucus scandal info from days gone by, yet he’s yet to mention kelly rindfleisch was involved back then….and clearly didn’t learn much?
    but like they said…nothing here…move along!

    1. Skip, no surprise that the individuals you mentioned haven’t written much about what’s going on with Scott Walker’s inner circle, because they don’t want to admit there’s something wrong.

      In their eyes, conservatives can do no wrong.

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