Arizona GOP candidate says Democrats responsible for most mass shootings

Well isn’t this special…

An Arizona rancher and Republican congressional candidate said during a primary debate Saturday that the vast majority of mass shootings in the United States are committed by Democrats.

“If you look at all the fiascos that have occurred, 99 percent of them have been by Democrats pulling their guns out and shooting people,” Gary Kiehne, who is running for the state’s 1st U.S. Congressional District, said during Saturday’s GOP primary in Florence, Arizona. “So I don’t think you have a problem with the Republicans.”

When asked how he would protect gun rights, Kiehne, a hotel owner and member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, said he probably owns more guns and ammunition than any of his fellow candidates (“I’m from the country; it’s a long ways to town to buy ammo,” he said) and that “everyone should own a gun.”


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2 thoughts on “Arizona GOP candidate says Democrats responsible for most mass shootings

  1. You really need to create a category labeled “Bat-Crap Crazy” as this lunacy that passes for GOP politics can not be called anything else.

    1. You may have a point. Back in the beginning days of Blogging Blue, I thought “Those kooky conservatives” was pretty harsh, but it’s become pretty tame since extremism tool hold of the right side of the political spectrum in 2010.

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