Scott Walker Is Not Ronald Reagan

and not because he isn’t an actor or orator…it’s because he’s Richard Nixon. A devious, deceitful, paranoid who has surrounded himself with yes men/women who aren’t afraid to cross the line…who has an enemies list…who can’t tell the truth about anything. There is one major exception…President Nixon understood foreign policy and diplomacy…Gov. Walker hasn’t a clue.


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9 thoughts on “Scott Walker Is Not Ronald Reagan

  1. You’re absolutely right. Walker has channeled all the worst of Richard Nixon and none of the best. After all, at least Nixon got some things right (formation of the EPA & foreign policy with China).

  2. You’re trying to go off topic again. The post was about Walker, not about liberals or Democratic candidates. There have been other topics about Bernie and Hillary that you can comment in if you wish to do so.

  3. Walker’s appearance on the national scene is an embarrassment to Wisconsin!

    He is a career politician, a political hack, ,with no formal schooling in law, business, finance, political science, and worse, no relevant or meaningful business experience.

    Walker is an amateur in a field of political experts. His only claim to fame is one of infamy and harm known as “divide and conquer.”

    He is a failed human being, funded and motivated by the greed of the 1% now and will be even more so as all of Walker’s harmful and inhumane acts and policies are fully applied to the Wisconsin populace and become obvious.

    “Oh, the humanity!”

    1. Spot on, Duane 12. Only thing I might dispute is the notion that he should be an embarrassment to our state. Maybe insomuch as the perception is out there that slightly more than half of us voted for him (??? Google, “Walker – law of large numbers”), could we possibly feel some chagrin. But however he came to power, we can know that we did not nurture the likes of him of out of our own soil.. Far from being a Native Son, he’s a manufactured phenomenon who was identified, programmed, charged up and aimed at the State of Wisconsin by the moneyed interests who are his handlers.

      1. And now he’s being aimed by those same handlers at the USA – much like GWB was. Luckily he’s pretty much taken himself out in the past couple weeks. Otherwise I’d be worried about that law of large numbers again.

      1. The mere mention of a failed human being and look who immediately recognizes himself in the conversation and wants to jump in..

  4. Marcy Wheeler, aka @emptywheel argues in the link below that the GOP has conditioned its base to respond to the most obnoxious candidate. That makes Trump really hard to beat.

    “Donald Trump is ruining everything for the GOP: The five stages of Republican grief explained
    Republicans hoping to take back the White House have found a badly coiffed billionaire standing in their way”

    1. To sum up my political pain at our state embarrassment and the “badly coiffed billionaire,” and Rev. Huckster, and other snake oil salesmen who have of late captured the news, I offer words of consolation and wisdom from my favorite book:

      “Shall windy words have no end?”

      Job 16:3

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