Robin Vos Draws A Republican Primary Opponent.

Despite being the brains behind the troglodyte majority in Madison for years now…and despite instituting one of the most heinous and muffled by a pillow ‘investigations’ into the 2020 presidential elections…Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has drawn an opponent in the Republican primary. Yes some of the biggest Trump apologists in the state’s GOP are unhappy with Vos, but it is still a little surprising that he pulled an opponent. But as you will see, no actual politician found enough spine to take him on:

Adam Steen will be challenging Speaker Robin Vos in a Republican Primary for the 63rd Assembly District

By: Paris Procopis, Editor of the Wisconsin Conservative Digest

Burlington Wisconsin resident, Adam Steen, has announced that he will be challenging Assembly Speaker, Robin Vos, in a Republican Primary for the 63rd Assembly District on August 9th.

Steen made his announcement at Fred’s Burgers in Burlington, a restaurant where apparently Vos frequents.

Dozens of residents and others were on hand to hear Steen’s announcement. Also on hand was Assemblyman and Gubernatorial Candidate, Tim Ranthun (sic), which was appropriate since Vos sparked Ranthun’s (sic) candidacy.

If Steen wanted to get Vos’ attention, I am sure it worked.

It is widely known that there has been growing discontent with Vos by the Conservative grassroots throughout Wisconsin. There are many people who feel that Vos has lost touch, no longer listens to the people, and is bought and paid for by the Madison Republican Elites.

Most recently he has come under fire for failing to address the staggering election manipulation by the Democrats and Wisconsin Election Commission. This includes Vos’ unwavering support for his hand-picked member on the commission, Dean Knutsen. Someone who nearly everyone wants to be fired.

Since there is so much frustration with Vos, it is definitely not a surprise that someone has stepped up to challenge Vos. Because of the certain high-profile nature of the, Steen is well positioned to raise significant donations from frustrated Republicans around the state.

Whether it translates into unseating Wisconsin’s longest serving Speaker remains to be seen. It will be interesting to see how Vos and the Republican establishment will react.

While the Digest will not officially endorse a candidate, it is sure to be entertaining at the very least. So, stock up on popcorn.

It is really unlikely that the newcomer will unseat the incumbent. Rep. Vos has too many allies and too much influence to not draw enough money to suppress this insurrection. But it is interesting that the WCD finds this amusing!!!

Thanks to a friend in the field for access to this information.


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