Alex Lasry leaves WI Senate race, endorses Mandela Barnes

On the heels of Tom Nelson’s decision to drop out of the Democratic U.S. Senate primary, followed by Nelson’s endorsement of Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, comes news that Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry has decided to drop out of the Democratic primary and endorse Barnes. While that leaves State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski still in the Democratic primary, it certainly seems like the race is Barnes’ to lose.

If I’m being honest I’m a little surprised Lasry chose to drop out. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel polling showed Lasry trailing Barnes, but given how much money Lasry has poured into his campaign (over $12 million) I didn’t think Lasry would drop out right before the primary.

Now I realize the Democratic primary is far from over, but barring some drastic development it seems like a lock that Mandela Barnes will be the Democrat to face “Our Dumb Senator” Ron Johnson (R-Multimillionaire) in the general election. There could not be two more polar opposite candidates than Johnson and Barnes, and while this isn’t looking like a good year for Democratic candidates I really do believe Mandela Barnes is the right candidate to send Ron Johnson into retirement in Russia.


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