Do You Want to Play a Game?

Ready?  Here we go! Question: What do Rhode Island, Louisiana, Wyoming, Hawaii, Alaska and Wisconsin all have in common?

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The Federal Government Cannot Go Broke. Ever.

The idea that the government can “run out of money” is absurd when that government is the currency issuer.  This whole concept of insolvency relies on the notion that currency is bound to a tangible asset somehow (gold, silver, kumquats).  It’s just a holdover from the old gold standard.  This concept that…

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Prologue: EUCWIC!

Everything Ultimately Costs What It Costs :: EUCWIC. I am not the consummate economist like our prolific Phil Scarr! Although I look forward to his posts on economics and despite my classwork in economics, I tend to feel my eyes glaze over and hear my head scream: ‘Just show me…

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“One Boy… Boy for Sale! He’s Going Cheap!”

Well, cheap if you’re a multimillionaire…  Wisconsin’s Boy-Governor is for sale to the highest bidder.  The free market in action! Gov. Scott Walker received $1 million in one weeklong stretch alone from just four donors as part of his fundraising blitz that helped him raise more than $12 million over…

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Tonight’s GOP Presidential Debate will be Newterrific!

Alas, I think it is the GOP which will end up newtered.  Certainly the debate is going to be entertaining reality television like nothing Donald Trump ever envisioned.  It used to be a grand old party, but it is embracing the devil now. . .          …

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The Popularity of “Progressive”

More popular than Conservative, Progressive tops the list of popular political terms.

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Understanding MF Global… With Animated Bears

Sometimes the message is easier if little bears tell the story.

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THIS is what Democracy Looks Like

This chant has been used a few times in the last year in WI, sometimes legit and sometimes a stretch. It probably has never fit more than in this case. Our friends at Dane 101 have the story: Lori Compas never planned to become a one-woman political committee. A freelance…

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Did Governor Walker Intentionally Distort Positive Job Report?

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, through an open records request, has called into question the Governor’s integrity in releasing inaccurate job figures last summer.

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When in doubt, shoot the messenger

Governor Scott Walker takes a shot at The St. Norbert College/Wisconsin Public Radio poll which found him trailing significantly in a in a poll asking if he should be recalled.  He misses… big.

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