Republican Thugs – Part 12 – enough already

Monlogues of Dissent author Heather Dubois Bourenane has received a death threat. DuBois Bourenane immediately made a report to the Sun Prairie Police Department about the telephone threat, which came at 4 a.m. this morning. DuBois Bourenane said the threat was made by a man who wouldn’t identify himself. DuBois…

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Actions Speak Louder Than Words

With the announcement today by Ted Kanavas that he will not be running for the US senate seat being vacated by Herb Kohl, it brings to mind a question and an observation. Question: Who? Observation: With such a weak Republican field (fitzgerald the lesser, professional jobber Mark Neumann and maybe…

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1 Day On – 29 Off!

In February, the republicans in Wisconsin were pushing a draconian “budget repair” bill through the legislature while cutting off public debate. The 14 Democratic Senators then went to Illinois to avoid a quorum allowing the public to see how bad the Budget repair bill actually was. Boy did that the…

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Oh by the way, Jeff Fitzgerald is running for Senate!

Have you heard the news? Republican Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald of Horicon is running for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Democratic Sen. Herb Kohl. No seriously, he is. Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, confirmed his decision to run Monday during an interview with the Wausau Daily Herald editorial…

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Justice David Prosser, through official marionette, Brian Schimming, had this to say”“I was confident the truth would come out – and it did. I am gratified that the prosecutor founds these scurrilous charges were without merit.” (why a GOP operative is the spokesman for a non partisan Judge who continually…

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Audition Uncovered

For those of you not familiar with Christian Schneiders work, he has written some of the (unintentionally?) funniest stuff there is out of Wisconsin politics lately. Schneider came out with such gems as the well timed “alternate” story using “anonymous” sources that pointed out that Justice Bradley’s neck performed a…

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Topic of the Week: the Radical Republican Redistricting plan

Yesterday Republicans in the state legislature revealed their plan to redraw the state’s 132 legislative seats just before a wave of recall elections this summer – a proposal that would push at least 11 pairs of lawmakers into the same districts. It’s worth noting Republicans pushed through their redistricting plan…

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The Republicans in Wisconsin need our help!

The topic of the week this week is should the republicans keep policy items and pork projects out of the budget. Despite their promise to do just that(it would take a month of posts to cover broken republican campaign promises), this budget is filled with policy items and pork projects….

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The Revolution Starts Now

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They Are For Smaller Government…..

As long as all of their relations are on the public dime…The Righteous Brothers, Jeff and Scott Fitzgerald, are the republicans in charge of the Wisconsin State Assembly and the state Senate. They have hopped on the republicans silly talking point “Wisconsin is open for business.” It also appears that…

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