Rick Perry drops out of 2016 Republican presidential race

This should surprise absolutely no one… After months of struggling to gain traction, former Texas governor Rick Perry on Friday said he is suspending his campaign, becoming the first Republican candidate to drop out of the crowded race for the White House. “We have a tremendous field—the best in a…

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Blue Collar Jobs Lost To Legal Immigrants?

A number of GOP presidential hopefuls including Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker want to halt or decrease LEGAL immigration because it is taking solid blue collar jobs away from Americans! No really…how could I make this stuff up! Republican 2016 presidential hopefuls Scott Walker and Rick Santorum are suggesting a potentially…

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Foster Friess

As Scott Walker likes to travel the country and use the same stale lines of a few “union bosses” running the state and how do we want them deciding what happens in WI or the taxpayers of Wisconsin deciding our future. Presumably, Walker is aligning himself with the taxpayers of…

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The Frothy Mixture Bows Out!

It’s about time. Rick Santorum will announce Tuesday that he is suspending his presidential campaign, all but bringing to a close the 2012 GOP presidential contest and formally handing the nomination to Mitt Romney, according to an official close to the campaign.  

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Santorum Endorses Obama, well not really.

The ever subtle Rick Santorum took a swipe at Mitt Romney in what sounded strangely like an endorsement of a second term for President Barack Obama Rick Santorum …suggested it would be better to stick with President Obama over a candidate that might be “the Etch A Sketch candidate of…

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Santorum” What I Said, I didn’t say, even though you heard me say it, it’s B*lls**T”

Come on Man: Crazy Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum was asked a question about his speech in WI and Mr. Catholic blew a gasket. It appears as though Rick “do not google me” Santorum is unaware that his speeches are being videotaped. By the way, Rick Santorum was in Wisconsin…

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A Real Choice

Here we have a brilliant short piece from the next Senator from Massachusett’s Elizabeth Warren! “This next election is about the direction our country takes. It’s about whether or not we are going to be a people who say, ‘I got mine; the rest of you are on your own,’…

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Eliminationism in Action!

At a shooting range in Louisiana, a woman has a suggestion to Rick Santorum who is taking target practice. WEST MONROE, Louisiana – At a campaign stop at a firing range, while Rick Santorum was firing off some rounds, a woman shouted, “pretend it’s Obama.” Santorum, who was far from…

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The Republicans are the Joke

Senator Scott Brown recently gave a speech and drew some laughs… See the republican presidential field was not being laughed with, they were being laughed at. Even their own party knows that how crazy these four stooges are. So that being said, if you want a day filled with comedy,…

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Defunding The American Dream Summit

Is coming to Milwaukee! AFP Foundation-Wisconsin is proud to announce presidential candidate Rick Santorum, Senator Ron Johnson, and Congressman Paul Ryan will speak at the Defending the American Dream Summit. We have a sneak preview of what party – goers can expect: Leading off the festivities is Senator Ron Johnson,…

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