A Desperate Leah Vukmir Finally Becomes Totally Unhinged

As US Senator Elizabeth Warren visits the great state of Wisconsin to campaign for US Senator Tammy Baldwin, Sen. Baldwin’s opponent State Senator Leah Vukmir, giving in to desperation while 11 points back in the latest Marquette University poll, goes totally off the rails. A press release from her campaign…

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GOP Holds Rally With Twelve Candidates But Only 75 Attendees In Reddest of Red Waukesha?

This is just a quick hit…but apparently the Wisconsin Republicans held a rally in Waukesha that featured speeches by twelve candidates including US Senatorial candidate Leah Vukmir plus US Senator Ron Johnson. But they only garnered 75 attendees? Led by Sen. Ron Johnson and Senate hopeful Leah Vukmir, a group…

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Is West Virginia Leading The Nation Towards Single Payer Health Care?

Earlier this week the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reprinted an article in their Ideas Lab from Kaiser Health News reporter Julie Revnor. I have the hard copy but online I found it on the NPR site. The article wrangles with the notion of who is really protecting the Affordable Care Act’s…

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The On Going Discussion Around Health Care in the US Senate Race in WI

One of the main points of contention in the Wisconsin race for US Senate has been the opposing views of Democratic incumbent Senator Tammy Baldwin and GOP opponent state Senator Leah Vukmir on healthcare. And rightfully so, since healthcare seems to be one of the few topics of universal concern…

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Middleton Shooting and the Reactions of Baldwin and Vukmir

This past week found Middleton Wisconsin, an upscale suburb of Madison, in the national spotlight following a mass shooting at a local software company. In this case the shooter was an employee who wounded several other employees and who died of gunshot wounds after a shoot out with police. As…

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WI GOP US Senate candidates can’t walk and chew gum at the same time?

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel as been rolling out snippets from both State Senator Leah Vukmir and businessman Kevin Nicholson every day as they continue to snipe at each other and try to gain an edge going into the primary next week. This morning while talking about tariffs…they jumped into immigration…

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GOP Hopefuls Leah Vukmir and Kevin Nicholson on healthcare

I didn’t bother to watch or listen to the GOP US Senate debate last night (btw: Charles Barman, Griffin Jones and George Lucia should be pissed)…but the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel coverage included these ‘quips’ on healhcare: First State Senator Leah Vukmir: Asked if health care was a privilege or a…

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Did you know that there are FIVE GOP candidates for US Senate?

No, me either and I’ve been kinda paying attention. But they are scheduled to debate tonight and the publicity leading up to it keeps saying five candidates…not just State Sen. Leah Vukmir and businessman Kevin Nicholson…the only ones who ever get mentioned in any media articles or polling. Hmmmm…. Anyway…

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The GOP Elephant Never Forgets

A brief side road from the article about third party groups running negative ads against the GOP candidates in the Republican primary to face incumbent US Senator Tammy Baldwin. Again, we have a poignant thought from Republican State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald: “There’s going to be a group that…

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GOP US Senate Candidates Bemoan Outside Campaign Ads!

Apparently Wisconsin’s Next PAC is supporting Wisconsin State Senator Leah Vukmir in her Republican primary campaign for US Senate against businessman Kevin Nicholson. The PAC is running an ad campaign in favor of Senator Vukmir that is trending negative against Mr. Nicholson. Not all that surprising. Of course Mr. Nicholson’s…

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