You must believe in Magic…

There is so much out there right now about how extreme and bad for America Paul Ryan is that I just have not had time to write about it and do his incompetence justice. Here is a sample now from the Rachel Maddow show.

Pull quote

“There is no connection between what is attributed to him(ryan) and what he is actually offering.”

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2 thoughts on “You must believe in Magic…

  1. It’s magic! I enter “You Must Believe in Magic” at a Road Runner search engine because those are the lyrics to a song I heard every week at the same time in the Seattle area on the way to LaMaze classes with my (then) husband. (I wondered if the budding musician in my womb heard them as well.)

    But what turns up in that search engine? A link to governmental policies concerning the budget and cutting Medicare – a subject about which I am intensely concerned these days, which I needed to see. Thanks for the broadcast and to Jeff Simpson (whoever he be) for the post. “Fascinating.” (Mr. Spock)

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