The land that time forgot – day in court!

h/t Lukas @ Forward Lookout.

In a follow up to my previous post about the West Bend School District, the courts have weighed in.

A federal judge decided that the West Bend School Board must recognize the Gay-Straight Alliance as an official school-sponsored club at the district’s high schools.

The decree, announced last week, also prohibits any current or future board members from retaliating against the club or anyone affiliated with it while under the court’s supervision for the next seven years. If the school board violates the terms of the agreement while under court supervision, the GSA can ask the same federal judge to enforce its ruling without having to file litigation again, Waring Fincke, a lawyer for the club, said Tuesday.

“The judge’s order is as clear as a bunch of lawyers can make it,” he said.

I am glad that the GSA got their day in court and the court protected them, however it is sad for that school district to need the courts to protect the students from the school board. Thank Goodness we have three branches of government.

Note to the West Bend School Board Members its the year 2011!


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