Republican Thugs – John Sullivan Edition

Oklahoma republican representative John Sullivan is a huge supporter of Paul Ryan (R- Wall St.). So much so that he is willing to do whatever it takes to pass the Paul Ryan Budget. You know the one that ends Medicare as we know it. The budget that no democrat in their right mind would vote for. Well John Sullivan knows the best way to get the Paul Ryan Budget passed. Kill some democrats.

In case you did not hear it correctly here it is:

I supported the Paul Ryan budget and sent it over to the Senate. Now I live with some Senators, I yell at them all the time, I grabbed one of them the other day and shook him and I’d love to get them to vote for it — boy I’d love that. You know but other than me going over there with a gun and holding it to their head and maybe killing a couple of them, I don’t think they’re going to listen unless they get beat.

More Here and Here.

Mr. Sullivan has yet to apologize!

Here is his contact information:

Washington, D.C. Office
434 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202-225-2211
Fax: 202-225-9187

Tulsa District Office
5727 S. Lewis Avenue, Suite 520
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74105-7146
Phone: 918-749-0014
Fax: 918-749-0781

Bartlesville District Office
Phone: 918-336-6500

Twitter: @USRepSullivan

I put in a call to Congressman Ryan’s office for a response and will update this story when/if he does respond.


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2 thoughts on “Republican Thugs – John Sullivan Edition

  1. I called. I expressed my disgust at his statement, and stated that he should apologize for that despicable comment, and that it’s horrifying that any public official would make such a statement.

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