Rebecca Kleefisch swoons over husband’s crow hunting prowess but others are unimpressed

Ten days ago, Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch was back in her hometown of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin to attend a fundraiser hosted by People for Rebecca, according to Amber Gramza of the Oconomowoc Enterprise. A sommelier who co-hosted the private event at Vino Etcetera! Wine Bar & Store said she supports Kleefisch because “not only is she a woman in power, but she lives here.”

But I personally know plenty of women in Oconomowoc who, shockingly, won’t be supporting Kleefisch, even though they’re of the same gender and hail from the same city. Despite the fact that Mahlon Mitchell is a man who currently resides in Madison, many of my female friends and relatives living in Oconomowoc plan to vote for him for Lt. governor this spring.

Like the public school teacher who took a $600/month pay cut this year after her union was busted by the Walker and Kleefisch administration. And the nurse who is deeply concerned about the administration’s cuts to BadgerCare. And those who cannot forgive Rebecca Kleefisch for equating gay marriage to a person marrying a table, a clock, or a dog.

Lt. Governor Kleefisch must know she’s in great danger of losing her seat, which is why she was in town to raise funds. And as Gramza reported, Kleefisch told supporters at the wine shop, “…if we have a Democrat in the lieutenant governor’s office where our great governor has to spend every day looking over his shoulder, I cannot imagine how we would be nearly as effective as we are right now.”


But Rebecca Kleefisch didn’t just talk about herself on March 15th, Gramza reports, she bragged about her husband as well. When asked by Freeman staff what she thought about Joel Kleefisch’s support for recent Assembly bills regarding sandhill crane and wolf hunting, she replied, “He is a hunter to his core and we’ve got a strong tradition of the outdoors in Wisconsin…He is now the official Stone Bank Crow Hunting champion and not a lot of wives can boast something like that.”

That’s for sure.

But not every Wisconsinite in the area is impressed by novelty killing; many are simply concerned with getting or keeping a job with health insurance and paying the bills, which is why, like his wife, Joel Kleefisch is also in danger of losing his seat.

Representative Joel Kleefisch will be challenged by Scott Michalak, a working-class Democrat whose plans for the 38th district include advocating on behalf of our public school systems, fighting for accessible health care for everyone, and embracing environmental stewardship in order to improve our economy. He also seeks to restore transparency to our political process. I’ve spoken with Michalak numerous times, and he is smart and determined.

So this spring voters will get to choose between the Stone Bank Crow Hunting champion and a middle class truck driver, and between a Scott Walker rubber stamp and a firefighter.

And that’s really something to crow about.


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8 thoughts on “Rebecca Kleefisch swoons over husband’s crow hunting prowess but others are unimpressed

  1. Stone Bank Crow Hunting champion? What does that even mean? The farmer whose land I used to hunt on would give us a small amount of money for each crow we bagged. I don’t remember exactly how much, but it was only about double what a shotgun shell cost, so you’d want to make sure you weren’t going to miss. And you wouldn’t spook your actual quarry, so you’d only shoot on the way back in. Let’s just say it’s not exactly a job you could make a living at.

  2. I whistle and my pet crows are there in about three minutes to see what I’ve left for them in compost pile. Any prizes for that? It’s all about the way you respect other birds. I think it was PBS, Nature series program about crows, that mentioned how intelligent they (crows not conservatives) are.

  3. I grew up in a serious hunting family but lost my taste for the sport early on. If someone had bragged to them about his prowess as a crow hunter they would have rolled on the floor with laughter. Joel Kleefisch – putz.

  4. We all hope to see Joel and Rebecca eating some of that crow in the near future.

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