Whither MKE Cnty: AFL-CIO Response to Rep. Sanfelippo

Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Statement on Proposed
Changes to Milwaukee County Board in Rep.
Sanfelippo’s LRB 1340/2

“The proposed changes to the Milwaukee County Board would infringe upon a
citizen’s right to meaningful representation, reduce participation in democracy and
silence the voices of Milwaukee County residents,” said Phil Neuenfeldt,
President of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO
. “Making Board Supervisors parttime
and decreasing funding would eliminate checks and balances in local
government and greatly hinder the Board’s ability to function. This move would
put all Wisconsin residents at risk. Milwaukee County is the branch of
government responsible for courts, prisons, mental health services, transit, parks
and other cultural and social services. The changes proposed to the Board in LRB
1340/2 will greatly reduce the County Supervisors’ ability to provide adequate
oversight of these crucial services.”

“One little sign on the freeway does not make it okay to dismantle democracy and
local control,” said Stephanie Bloomingdale, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Wisconsin State AFL-CIO
. “We cannot continue to decimate our democratic
institutions at the expense of the people just because some politicians want more
power. County Supervisors are closest to residents and provide a go-to pathway
for citizen questions, concerns and ideas. The voices of citizens will be
dramatically silenced if the Board is cut or reduced. Instead of overreaching into
local politics, our state legislators should focus on working with local Milwaukee
leaders who know the city best to create jobs and move our state forward.”


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