Time To Pass The Lindsey Graham Double Dippin’ Is Verboten Bill??

As we continue to see the angst and concern about Social Security being emoted around Capitol Hill, maybe a first baby step would be a bill to deny social security benefits to electeds who retire with more than adequate and generous federal pensions. Not sure if the feds can enforce…

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Has Lindsey Graham Violated The Geneva Convention?

A week or so ago, Senator Lindsey Graham (R SC) suggested that someone in the ruling elite of Russia should assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the time something in the back of my mind triggered a response that said, is this a violation of the Geneva Convention? Well, I…

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Kamala Harris Supports Graham and Rubio Vaccinations

Although many on the left (including myself) question why naysayers, anti-maskers, and virus hoaxers electeds in the Republican Party got vaccines ahead of front line medical personnel…Vice-president-elect Kamala Harris wants a word. Amid growing anger as some Republicans who have spent the pandemic downplaying COVID-19 become some of the first…

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So, While Wisconsin Is Getting Shorted on Vaccines, THIS Happened:

and question, where did they get this done? Apparently not in the Senate. So were they in Washington? Or were they home? And why weren’t they in the Senate working on the COVID-19 relief bill or the continuation package?

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Ted Cruz Is Running For President In 2024 And Intends To Inherit The Trump Base

Even given the feckless grovelling of Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator Ted Cruz has become the most egregious sycophant in the Trump biosphere. This has got to be one of the biggest disappointments for the future of the Republican party as one of their staunchest supporters of conservative values has sold…

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Scott Walker Is Running in 2022!

For what, I am not sure yet. But why do I suspect that? Well, I have liked his politician Facebook page since way back in the day simply because it was necessary to follow him in order to write about him here. And although he’s been quite active on Facebook…

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In Need Of A Translation Of A Lindsey Graham Statement:

Can anyone out there translate Republican sycophantism into English? From Senator Lindsey Graham: Sen. Lindsey Graham: “My hope is that we change Section 230 — to incentivize social media platforms to come up with standards that are transparent and opaque.” He does understand that these are mutually exclusive, right? Black…

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Given Lindsey Graham’s Attempted Interference In The Georgia Elections:

The Republican Secretary of State of Georgia has reported and continues to maintain, that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham attempted to interfere in the Georgia election and ballot count. We’ll let that play out for a bit yet. But considering his penchant for that type of thing…there really needs to…

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Should Poll Workers, Municipal Clerks, and Election Officials Start A Class Action Libel Suit Against The President?

IF there were voter fraud and manipulation of votes to insure a specific outcome of an election the size and scope and visibility of the presidential election in the United States…there would need to be concerted and co-ordinated corruption across multiple states and multiple cities and multiple party members to…

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PA Postal Worker Recants On Bogus Election Claims…this guy needs to do hard federal time.

One of the ‘bedrock’ incidents being touted by a number of Republican elected officials about vote fraud in Pennsylvania turns out to be a hoax, a story made up by a postal worker, a man who I am certain will be fired…but needs to do serious time in prison. Richard…

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